Roman Leaders
Julius Caesar
Roman Dictator, Played major role in transformation of the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire. He was
proclaimed a Dictator and assassinated by
Marcus Junius Brutus.
The First Emporer of the Roman Empire. Adopted by his great-uncle Julius Caesar.
The senate honored Octavius by naming him Augustus meaning the revered one.
2nd Emporer of Roman empire, Adopted by Augustus one of Romes best Generals conquering Pannonia, Dalmatia, Raetia, and temporarily Germania. He exiled himself and left Empire in Caligula's control.
Third Emporer of Rome
Nephew and adopted son of Tiberius described as noble during his first 2 years of rule but later described as cruel, extragent, perverted and a insane tyrant.
Fourth Emporer of the Roman Empire,
declared Emporer by the Praetorian Guard after Caligula's assassination. Also he was last adult male of his family. During his rule he conquered Thrace, Noricum, Pamphylia, Lycia and Judaea.
5th Emperor of the Roman empire,
He was the last emperor of the Julio-Claudian dynasty. he was the adopted son of Claudius
During the Great Fire of Rome people searched for a scapegoat, so they blamed Nero, he blamed Christians and had many crusified, fed to dogs and burned.
The Roman Theatre,
Roman drama began in 240 BC with the plays of Livius Andronicus. Roman theatre was a diverse form or art ranging from dancing, acrobatics, preformances and plays. Roman theatre spread west across Europe and to England.
Economic Advancements
Roman Econemy was based largly on trade with Northern Africa. Romans traded grains and olives for a supply of grains. In beginning of the Roman republic was based on paid labor but near the end of the republic slave labor bacame popular and cheap.
Roman Political Advancements
The Roman Republic,
the Republic was a mixture of democracy and oligarchy. The senate was a Oligarchy type of advisory for the ruler. Senators were chosen from among the most accomplished patricians by Censors. The Republic had no fixed bureaucracy and collected taxes. To prevent any citizen from gaining too much power, new magistrates were elected annually and had to share power. the highest authority was held by two consuls. In an emergency, a temporary dictator could be appointed.
Roman Architecture
Romans constructed many aqueducts for drinking wate, baths and fountians in the city. The first Roman aqueduct was the Aqua Appia, built in 312 BC .
The pantheon was built as a templt to honor all roman gods. Built in 126 AD it remains the worlds largest unreinforced concrete dome building in the world,_Rome
The colosseum was capable of holding 50,000 spectators. Events in the colosseum included, animal hunts, mock sea-battles, executions, reenactments of battles and Drama's.