GIs in the USA
In search of new paradigms:
GIs and sustainability
- AOP (Association and Research Foundation)
- GI list (oriGIn/Berkeley)
- Affirming than GIs = protectionism amount to say that TM, copyright and patents = protectionism
- All IPRs (including GIs) are territorial rights, so are the IPRs exceptions
Practical problems encountered by GI groups in the USA
GIs are IPRs
- Recognized by the WTO TRIPs Agreement
- Legal protection = monopoly
- Exceptions: generic names and previous trademarks
Expectations of GIs
from both side
of the Atlantic
T-TIP and GIs:
an opportunity for the economy
- Let's not drop a huge potential for a very limited number of names
- Let's be flexible an creative, with the main objective of protecting consumers
GI definition
- Geographical names associated with goods (produced in the corresponding geographical area) with specific qualities, characteristics and reputation
- What does make such products unique: soil, climate, production techniques, human factor