Lighting and Colour
I would like the lighting to be mainly using the 'key lighting source' and the 'back lighting source' to create the effect we would like.
Extreme shadows created by artificial lighting rather than natural as with artificial the shadows can be more sharp and extreme and i feel that it helps sets the unsettling mood and atmosphere for the opening of the thriller. (the idea taken from a typical convention of Film Noir)
Moral meanings?
Sound & Dialogue
Colour is something i think best kept at minimum rather than going for the 'vibrant' look as it will
give off the wrong mood in which 'we' as a group are aiming for within our thrillers. Either with the black and white editing or with the screen washed of colour.
Creepy thriller soundtracks!
The Third man soundtrack is particularly recognisable, as well as being distinctly unsettling as it is in complete contrast with the dark and sinister plot.
Bleak- but possibly not at the start? glamorous at the start- L.A. Confidential
Intense, slightly unsettling music, like this, to emphasize the enigmatic, "underground" theme of crime and suspicion.
Discovery and Suspicion- helped through "convenient" light
Moral ambiguity-from protagonist
Sound plays a massive role in setting a atmosphere and tension with a film and as the dialogue is going to be minimum the music is going to have to tie in with what is happening on screen. Plot has to be established first!
Melancholy tone- for example the fish market in Essex Boys
Love and Lust- from a Femme Fatale?- Links to the theme of gender and power.
Iga can speak two languages!!! Switch from English is Polish? Although, dialogue should be at minimum as from watching past Thrillers from previous years i felt the ones with minimum dialogue worked best. -The music speaks for itself more than the dialogue?
Drama, intensity (smoke in the face), claustrophobia for characters AND audience.
enigmatic- created by other aspects-music, shadows,camera angle...
Locations that portray good or bad- contain a lot of white/black/grey.
Mood Board
Thriller Planning
Iga Megan Charlotte
Editing & Camera work/angles
Upmarket houses- contrasts with the dereliction and crime- Essex Boys.
Car park- urban wasteland, especially when empty.
Smooth , slick transitions to connote business and sophistication- Layer Cake.
Shot-reverse shot for conversations
Claustrophobic locations- a sense of desperation to leave, entrapment, secrecy....
- Tunnels
- Alleyways
- Small rooms/spaces
Day/Night? Night time gives off more enigma- not as safe-more crime....Everything isn't as clear...not everything is seen....
Film Noir
Close ups/ECU- for detail, focus, emotion, reactions
Quick, fast editing to connote the busy fast urban life.
Urban, locations. These can either be:
- derelict- connoting unwanted, bleak tone. For example, alleyways, empty car parks...
- High profile and sophisticated- London etc- Layer Cake
- Sense of (broken) glamor/outer shell- L.A. Confidential
Editing to the beats in the soundtrack...?
Moral behind them- ascending or descending into heaven or hell? Any return?
Hand held, shaky camera connotes less glamor- fight/chase scenes...
Long shot/ELS- for establishing location
Lampposts, smoke, water (puddles) damp and dark- film noir conventions seen within/ part of the location.
Rule of Thirds.-Certain focus points-Characters, objects....
Slow motion to create suspense and time lapse- Lock,Stock...
Tables, chairs, restaurant booth- intimate conversations...
Low/high angles signify status of characters and/or foreshadowing (ascending/descending)
Offices-portray business- detectives? crime? Establish character as well as location.
Tilt shot- confusion, obscurity, spying, secrecy...
Character and Costumes
Rough sketches/ideas
3 or 4 characters.
Male protagonist
Thriller Plan
Seek to establish character, them plot- by creating a secret- audience then know that the plot will be surrounded by this "secret"
Urban, gritty location
- Alley ways
- Streets
- Establishing shots