Glorious Revolution
The Road to Rule...
The Virgin Queen
Good Queen Bess
The Restoration of Protestantism
- Henry VIII: Anglican
- Mary I: Catholic
- Elizabeth: Anglican
Established a state church that attempted to please both Catholics and Protestants
To please Protestants
- priests could marry
- sermons in English, not Latin
To please Catholics
- Priests wore robes
- Revised services to include Catholic traditions
Exploration & The Economy...
1500s: Began to rethink building an American empire as a source of income
Well educated and spoke French, Italian, Latin, & Greek
- Born in Stratford-upon-Avon
- Wrote plays and poems in London
- Performed at the Globe Theater
- Interested in antiquity
- Macbeth, Hamlet, Othello, Romeo & Juliet, King Lear, etc.
Religious Division
Alienated the Puritan & Catholic minorities
Pursued a foreign policy friendly to Catholic Spain
Problems With Parliament
- House of Commons refussed to impose high taxes which crippled royal finances
- Imposed customs duties without parliamentary consent
- Parliament refussed to pass his plan to allow free trade between England & Scotland
Reinstated Parliament to obtain new taxes but the representative body failed to pass the disired legislation so he dissolved the group yet again
Problems With Parliament
- Absolutist & Divine Right
- Levied taxes without Parliament's consent
- Puritans felt he was hostile towards their practices
War With Scotland
Short Parliament
The English Civil War
What type of government should be established?
- Cromwell's "Independent" party won due to his control of the army
- He gained control of Parliament and expelled the less radical members
- Elizabeth I
- James I
- Great Contract
- Petition of Right
- Short Parliament
- Long Parliament
- Cavaliers
- Roundheads
- New Model Army
- Rump Parliament
- Charles I
- English Civil War
- Voted to execute Charles I in 1649
- Declared England a "Commonwealth"
- Friction developed so Cromwell disbanded Parliament in 1653
Old Ironsides
- Military leader of the Model Army
- Roundhead leader of Parliament
- Declared England a Protectorate with him as "Lord Protector"
- Ruled with a council of state
A new parliament was elected but its power was reduced & England was essentially a military dictatorship
- Advanced English trade
- Compelled Ireland and Scotland to recognize him
- Increased England's power abroad
- Parliament overthrew his son in 1660
After death from malaria or by poisoning, he was exhumed and hanged, drawn, and quartered
Charles II
The Restoration
Agreed to abide by Parliamentary controls on taxes & to call Parliament into session regularly
Merry Monarch
Policies & Parliament
James II
The Last Catholic Monarch
- Established a standing army
- Created special courts to try those suspected of rebellion
Mary &
William of Orange
- Invited to rule England
- When their forces landed in England, James fled to France
English Bill of Rights
- No standing armies or taxes without the consent of Parliament
- Regular sessions of Parliament
- Freedom of Speech in Parliament
- King could not suspend the laws
- Trial by jury & no excessive bail
Bill of Rights
- Elizabeth I
- James I
- Great Contract
- Petition of Right
- Short Parliament
- Long Parliament
- Cavaliers
- Roundheads
- New Model Army
- Rump Parliament
- Charles I
- English Civil War
- Cromwell
- Commonwealth
- Charles II
- The Restoration
- Cavalier Parliament
- Whigs
- Tory
- Treaty of Dover
- Declaration of Indulgence
- Test Act
- James II
- Mary and William of Orange
- English Bill of Rights
- Toleration Act
Henry IV of France
The Elizabethan Age
Edward VI
Henry VIII
Mary I
Elizabeth I
Catholic and willing to defy Elizabeth's authority
Supported the Dutch in order to bring down Philip II of Spain
Philip II of Spain
Defeated the Spanish Armada's advance to conform England to Catholic policies
Mary Queen of Scots
- Catholic cousin
- Attempted to overthrow Elizabeth
Tilbury Speech
2 min
Elizabeth I
Trouble dealing with Parliament
- The crown would give feudal dues in return for annual parliamentary subsidy
- Failed due to factionalism
He had tried to force Anglican services on Scotland
- No martial law in peacetime
- No quartering of troops in private homes
- No taxes without parliamentary approval
- No imprisonment without a jury trial
Forced to ask Parliament for money to fight a war with Scotland
Petition of Right
Charles ruled without Parliament until 1640
When called, the dominantly Puritan English Parliament demanded an end to the religious and political policies
Long Parliament
Gave Charles money in return for power
Charles had to call Parliament to again to ask for money
Charles had to issue payments of large indemnities to Schotland
James the Vain
enough money...
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- First English monarch of the House of Stuart
- Succesfull in Scotland but not in England
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James I
Charles I
Phase Two
Back to Basics
New Model Army
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An efficient military organization commanded by Oliver Cromwell that won the war with the aid of the Scots on behalf of the Parliament
- Charles used division over question to reassert his control
- He attempted to arrest 5 members of Parliament
- He failed and civil war resulted
How much of the king's authority should be curbed?
Establishment of a Puritan theocracy
Restoration of a very limited monarchy
Rump Parliament
- wealthy trading and landowning classes
- supported the king
Remaining members of Parliament that were controlled by the army
Phase One
- Puritans
- middle class
- opposed the king
Treaty of Dover
- 1670
- Secret treaty in which Charles received a subsidy from Louis XIV in return for vague religious promises
Declaration of Indulgence
- 1672
- Exempted religious dissenters from punishment under Parliament's laws
Actions Angered Parliament
Irish Blood, English Heart
Test Act
- Passed by Parliament
- Excluded all Catholics from public office
Cavalier Parliament
Parliament did the following...
Both feared the extension of royal power
Passed a series of laws which suppressed the religious freedom of Catholics and Puritans
- Royalists
- lesser lords
- pro-old landed gentry
- pro-Anglican Church
- suspicious of towns & business interests
- Wanted a new constitutional monarchy under a Protestant King
- Parliamentarians
- middle class bourgeoisie interests
- pro-business
Emergence of Political Parties
2 min
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Set out to find a new heir
Whig and Tory
When his wife gave birth to a son who was baptized Catholic...
Toleration Act
Freedom of worship for ALL Protestant sects
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