Eric Langhorst
South Valley Jr. High
Liberty, Missouri
Copy of presentation and links available at under February 25, 2011
Social Media :
Internet based applications, allows cooperation and exchange of user generated content
Direct Messages
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Today in Class
Difference between Facebook and Twitter
"Facebook is for the people you once knew,
Twitter is for the people you want to know today."
Using hashtags allows searches
different than e-mail, not an expectation to answer
Who do you follow?
similar to finding friends in "real life"
do a search for items that interest you and then start to follow them
Recent Examples :
paper on types of principals
research on paper about Finland
World War I lessons - ideas
Free account with limits on uploads, $25 a year for Pro account with unlimited uploads
YouTube has more than 2 billion views a day
24 hours of video content is uploaded each minute
more video content is uploaded to YouTube in 60 days than the 3 major networks produced in the past 60 years
Skype allows live video conferencing - free
Currently over 500 million Skype accounts
Power of connecting classes
Article of the Week with class in Minnesota
Build up your Personal Learning Network
Contribute and Collaborate
"The smartest person in the room, is the room."
- David Weinberger
Eric Langhorst
Twitter : elanghorst