Consider two aspects of sustainability:
Key to both aspects of sustainability were:
- Communications
- Outreach
- Collaboration and Partnerships
Clearly within the realm of ICT.
- So how do we leverage ICT to help us get to where we think we should be?
- How can we better utilize ICT to reach our goals?
- What do we do if we don't know what to do?
Many of us are already trying...
But what can we do with limited:
- budgets
- expertize
- time??????
Try viewing it on a smartphone!
But look at how many posts in 2012... Two!
Lots of good stuff, but...
Sustainability as the ability to be sustained, supported, upheld, or confirmed..
2. Staying alive
And there is some interactivity (remember engagement?)
Winnipeg Art Gallery Home Page (
But make sure you are in control!
This Google+ page was not created by the WAG
And a social media presence can be a wonderful asset...
Collaborations and partnerships
Information & Communication Technology
and the Road to Museum Sustainability
Guy Dugas
Chair, Accounting & Computer Education
Red River College
(presentation to the City of Winnipeg's Museum Board Symposium on May 4, 2012)
- Joint projects with other museums
- Projects with post-secondary institutions
- Co-Op students (universities & colleges)
- Full-scale student projects (U of W, RRC)
Sustainability as the quality of not being harmful
to the environment or depleting natural resources, and thereby supporting long-term ecological balance...
1. Being "green"
In short...
- Museums have to consider sustainability from both a "green" and a survival perspective
- Key to both is building relationships
- with the broader community and stakeholders
- with each other
- ICT can help
- Explore collaborations with post-secondary as a relationship-building strategy (startegy?)