This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Welk Nederlands
in de les?
Online learning platform for Dutch as a pluricentric language
Ulrike Vogl
Universität Wien
Vlaams Nederlands?
Variation exercises
Guide to Variation
meant to enable learners (levels A, B and C)
to deal with spoken and written Dutch in
different regional contexts (the Netherlands, Flanders and Surinam)
- 3 x Dutch
- Concepts and theories
- Dealing with variation
Target groups
A: perceive variation
B: identify and understand varieties
C: react adequately in specific regional/social contexts
- Are you are speaker of Dutch?
- Are you a learner of Dutch?
- Are you a teacher of Dutch?
- OCT 10: first draft of project to 'old'/Neva partners
- NOV 10: meeting with Neva partners
- DEC 10: finding new partners
- FEB 11: full-time writing of project proposal
- MAR 11: comments/revision of project proposal
Repetition exercises
Receptive skills exercises
which take the most common textbooks as a starting point
are meant to enable learners (levels A & B) to
deal with 'real Dutch' in interaction, in different contexts
Types of exercises
Delftse methode, deel 1 en 2
Nederlands voor buitenlanders
Taal Vitaal
Taal totaal
Code Plus
Help! 1 en 2. Kunt u mij helpen?
Help! 3. Zal ik u even helpen?
Nederlands in gang
Nederlands in actie
Nederlands op niveau
Prisma Nederlands voor buitenlanders
Niet vanzelfsprekend
Zo gezegd 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
Riedel en ritme- Vlaamse taalriedels
Welkom! Niederlandisch für Anfänger
- phoneme identification & sound discrimination
- word and sentence stress
- discriminate between words and word groups
- discriminate between sentences
LLP, Multilateral Projects, KA2 Languages
Sub-action: Awareness raising and development of new materials and/or on-line courses
Dutch++ Examples and new models for learning and
teaching pluricentric languages
January 2012 - December 2014
- awareness raising & online material (sub-action)
- European co-operation
- 2 or more sub-programmes
- less-used language
- 3rd country partner
Target groups: Dutch as a second and foreign language; university, adult education, secondary education
Project partners
Universiteit Tilburg
Universität Wien
Aim of the project
Donche Centrum (Vorselaar)
CVO DTL Avondonderwijs
Centrum voor basiseducatie Leuven Hageland (Leuven)
Universiteit Ljubljana
Haute Ecole Louvain en Hainaut (HELHa) (Mons)
FU Berlin
KH Kempen
Masaryk Universiteit (Brno)
University of Aruba (Faculty of Law)
Yale University (Germanic
Languages & Literatures)
Evaluation of learning/teaching materials
IOL Paramaribo
(3rd Country Partner)
How can we prepare learners of Dutch (as a second and as a foreign language) for the linguistic reality of the Low Countries?