Remember: Intolerance is thinking something about someone based on what you see on the outside.
When we practice INTOLERANCE guess what???
The Consequences of a Bully
What is your role?
Bystanders versus Upstanders
Are you being a Bully or Intolerant?
Are you a Victim or Target?
Did You Know That...
Picking on brothers, sisters and cousins can be bullying too??
To have Honor and Nobility we have to practice Tolerance and Acceptance EVERYWHERE!
It Begins With Respect
Remember that...
Kindness is Contagious!
Respect is Showing Kindness and Being a Bucket Filler.
- "When you respect someone, you care about how the person feels."
Remember: Tolerance is the Self-Respect Minimum
Good successful Leaders DIRECT and Do NOT CONTROL their Followers.
CONTROLLING or Bullying will make your followers lose confidence and trust in you
WE Pick our path and our consequences
Choose Your Quality Consequence, Even If It Means Tolerating Another Person's Annoying Behavior
The Next Step is Acceptance
The Act of Accepting those Around You.
Giving Honor by Celebrating Differences
The Self-Respect Maximum
Just a Quick Review...
Statistics and Consequences
Teasing vs. Bullying
What is bullying?
- Every 7 minutes a kid is bullied.
- 160,000 students miss school every day because of bullying.
- 1 out of every 10 students drop out or change schools because of repeated bullying.
Bullying is a mean behavior that:
- is on purpose
- involves an imbalance of power
- is repeated over time
What Does a Bully Look Like?
Teasing: It is not meant to harm you in any way, and if you ask the person to stop, they do.
Bullying: Personal attacks that the target does not find funny in any way.
- Choosing Quality Consequences
- Changing Your Path
- Confidence to Lead/Follow
- Acceptance vs. Tolerance
Who is Who?
A Bystander is...
An Upstander is....
A Target is...
A Victim is....
So What Should Our Path Be?
Types of Bullying:
Hitting, Punching, Kicking
Name Calling and Put-Downs
Rumors and Gossip
Online Postings and Texting
Did you ever cross the line?
Choosing Quality Consequences