UK becomes joint co-chair of OGP
+ Independent Reporting Mechanism launched
UK becomes lead co-chair of OGP
What else is going on in
the OGP space?
A. Right to information and accountability
B. Participation, policy making and service delivery
C. Transparency and anti-corruption
D. Corporate transparency
Working presentation from October 11th network meeting
Open Data Policy
Freedom of Information in the UK
Review of Public Interest Disclosure Act
Principles on Right to Information & the Security Sector
Campaign for Freedom of Information
Public Concern at Work
Participatory Budgeting
Open Policymaking
Consultation Code of Conduct
Trustworthy Records
& Open Government
Children and Young People's
Service delivery and provision of public services
Vince Howe
Democratic Society
Tim Hughes, Involve
Citizen engagement in multi-stakeholder transparency initiatives
Practical Participation / BYC
International Records Management Trust
Alison Holder
Save the Children
Integrity Action
Article 12 of the UNCRC gives under 18s a right to be listened to in all decisions that affect them.
Tool for citizen engagement and feedback on development projects and TAI standards
Citizen Engagement in Multi-Stakeholder Transparency and Accountability Initiatives
Open government should include a commitment to include children and young people.
Several examples of citizen engagement
UK-supported TAIs – IATI, EITI, OBI, CoST (UK pilot & OGP countries)
In UK, E-govt board is seeking user input, neighbourhood budget pilots, and a hack day for civil society to work with open data experts
The UK can demonstrate leadership through:
An improved Code of Practice on Consultation
Concrete mechanisms for citizen engagement and feedback
Building capabilities of state and non-state actors,
particularly at sub-national level
How did we get here?
The UK should renew commitments to actively consult with under 18s on all policies that affect them.
Increase the availability of information about governmental activities.
Support civic participation.
Implement the highest standards of professional integrity throughout our administrations.
Increase access to new technologies for openness and accountability.
OGP Launched
First UK National Action Plan
Natural Resource Transparency
Open Budgets
Open Government and Corruption
International Aid Transparency Initiative
Graham Gordon
Eric Gutierrez
Andrew Clarke
International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI)
First OGP Plenary
Open data standard for international flows.
34 donors, accounting for 75% of global aid.
16 donors have begun to publish to IATI Registry, including DFID, DECC, WB, EC.
NGOs are publishing – 75 and counting...
OGP? From data commitment to culture change.
The complete picture of aid and domestic budgets in Uganda (2003-6)
UK civil society organise to engage with the OGP process
First anniversary
Open corporates
Register of Lobbyists
Company registries and beneficial ownership
Construction Sector Transparency Initiative
Chris Taggart
Anne Lindsay
Gavin Hayman
Civil society vision?
Matthew Parke
Construction Sector Transparency Initiative
CoST in the UK
Where are we today?
Coordinated by the Institution of Civil Engineers
Members drawn from: clients, CSOs and professional bodies.
Central Government engagement:
HMT/Infrastructure UK
Seeking to assist by creating a CoST portal
HA completed data sheets
Cabinet Office Efficiency Reform Group
Cabinet Office Open-Government Partnership
Local Authority:
Local Housing Authorities engagement
Initiated by DfID in 2007 to address mismanagement, inefficiency and corruption in the construction sector.
CoST is a Multi-Stakeholder Initiative
Full programme going ahead in 8 countries
G20 Endorsed
CoST as formal NGO being launched late October in Johannesburg/London
- Introduce the Open Government Partnership process to a wider UK community, and re-energise already-engaged organisations;
- Build shared understanding of the OGP, and the particular issues UK-based CSOs would like to see it address;
- Explore civil society perspectives on priorities for the global OGP, and identify key actions the UK should take in its leadership role as OGP co-chair
- Explore civil society perspectives on domestic OGP issues, and identify key elements that should be included in a revised National Action Plan;
- Work towards a draft CSO Network Strategy for the next 12 months
+ E. Articulating a broad vision of open government