To Kill a Mocking Bird Character Tree
The End
Miss Maudie
By: Diana Campos
In the book, Miss Maudie is the neighbor of the Finch family. She is also a friend of the kids. She is very generous and nice to them. She taught them many things. She's the one who told Scout why killing a Mockingbird is a sin. Miss Maudie relates to Scout because she agrees with Scout on all the things they think are unfair. Specifically racist things.
Scout Finch
Boo Radley
Scout Finch is the main character and narrator of the story "To Kill a Mockingbird" . Scout lives in Maycomb with her brother Jem, her father Atticus, and their cook, Calpurina. Throughout the story, Scout matures and gains a better understanding of the world she lives in.
In "To Kill a Mockingbird" Arthur "Boo" Radley is a man who never comes out of his house, up until the end of the book. Arthur is seen as a scary man or monster, because he lives in an old house and there are many bad rumors about him. I think he relates to Scout the most. I think they can relate because they are bothe judged poorly by some people. People say Arthur is a mean old man and Scout is a careless and rude tomboy. But, none of these rumors are true. They are both very caring and they find out they have a lot in common when they finally talk.
Tom Robinson
Aunt Alexandra
Bob Ewell
Tom Robinson is the man being accused of raping Mayella Ewell. I think Tom relates to Boo Radley because in this book they are two innocent men that are judged harshly right away without even talking to them first.
Dill, he is like a brother to Scout and Jem in this book. But to Scout he is more than a friend, because in the beginning she talks about how they have promised each other that they will get married when they grow older. Dill relates to Scout and Jem because they are all around the same age so this automatically makes them more connected with each other. They share the same interests ( Boo Radley ) and they just like to do the same things.
Aunt Alexandra is the sister of Atticus and the aunt of Scout and Jem. Throughout the story, Alexandra is a bit harsh on Scout and mean. This is because she's always telling Scout that she needs to be different and the way she acts, isn't right. Alexandra relates to Atticus because they both teach Scout and Jem a lot about growing up throughout this book.
In this book, Bob Ewell is the father of Mayella. Throughout the book, he has abused his daughter, tried to hurt Atticus and also tried killing Scout and Jem. Bob relates to his daughter because they both are just people to keep causing trouble to innocent people.
To Kill a Mockingbird
By: Harper Lee
Jem is the brother of Scout. Throughout the story they both grow more and more as an individual person. They mature and start finding out more about themselves than they did in the beginning of the story. The main relation between them is that they both started out very young and carefree but they end very " grown-up like".
In this book, Calpurina is the cook and basically "nanny" of Scout and Jem because she cares and watches out for them just like a parent would. She takes care of them while their father is at work. Calpurina relates to Atticus in this book. I think she relates to him because she teaches them many things and watches out for them while Atticus is busy. She acts like their mother, even if she is African American.
Atticus is the dad of Scout and Finch. He is also a lawyer and in the story he is the lawyer of the Tom and Mayella case. Atticus is a white man but, he is helps African Americans. That is something that makes him very special throughout this book. Atticus relates to Scout because he they both protect and care for people. An example is when Scout got in a fight because someone said called her dad a name. She protected him.
Mayella Ewell
Mayella Ewell, she is the lady that accused Tom Robinson of raping her. Mayella doesn't really relate to anybody but her father. This is because they are both liars in the book and just cause trouble.