Venture Capital by the Numbers
China Venture Capital Investments
What is Venture Capital?
- Long term
- Active involvement
- High-tech and life sciences
- High Variance
- an Asset Class
Venture Capital
Capital Risque, Innovation, et Startup en Chine
Olivier Glauser
Excuse their "Chinglish..."
Excusez mon "franglais"
Innovation in China:
business model vs. technology
Opportunities :
Solving China's challenges
What can Switerland offer:
- technology
- know-how
- Swiss brand equity
What can China offer:
- Market
- Capital
- Local partners
A Few Lessons for Startups
- China is a HYPER competitive market
- Pick favorable industry
- Laowai - play to your strength外
- Adjust quickly products & business model
- Raise money while you can - BULL Market
"the relentless pursuit of opportunities without regard to resources currently controlled"
China = 1.3 Billion Entrepreneurs?
Lei Jun - Xiaomi, YY
Jack Ma - Alibaba
Rampant piracy in console game
Internet cafe
Free to play, pay for virtual items
Incredibly successful and profitable model copied worldwide
Online Video Games
In Search of Technology Innovations
Mindray Portable Ultrasound
Frugal Innovation
Business Model Innovation
Product Innovation
Urban mobility
$600 electrical scooter
Xiaomi mobile phone $80 USD
Not Just Simple Copies...
"the process of having original ideas that have value"
Product Innovation?
Technology vs. Innovation
Modern China: The Perfect Environment
- Thousands of new businesses in China
- Highly entrepreneurial culture
- World center for electronics & manufacturing
Chinese Success Stories of Technology Innovation?
to China...
In Search of Chinese Technologies
From Silicon Valley...
Chinese Ancient Technology Inventions
Irrigation systems
Movable type print
Iron plow
Paper money
Risks in new Ventures:
Thank You
Opportunity Cost of Technology Investment
- Execution Risk
- Market Risk
- Technology Risk
Why so few Technology Startups in China?
Why take high-tech risks when can get
same return in 1/2 the time
in traditional industries
Chinese Consumers
Eager to try out new things
Lots of them
Product extensions...
Wechat Mobile Messaging
- e-commerce
- transfer person to person
- taxi ordering
- flights and travel ticket
- movie tickets
- utility bills
- "red envelopes"
- mutual funds and investment
2014 online payments:
$350 billion
Market reality check...
intense competition
fast product release
many eager consumers
lots of entrepreneurs
Battle of the Giants - BAT
Online video games
News portal
QQ Messaging
Mobile messaging
Pinguin Pictures
Movie Studio
successful US Group Buying
Internet service
Venture Capital, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation in China
Olivier Glauser
Sports Marketing & Rights
China comes out to the World
to connect China to the World
Product Licensing
Fast growing market
Favorable government policy
Previously protected now liberalizing
Access to unique and exclusive content, properties