1. Illustrate and communicate original ideas and stories using digital tools and media-rich resources. (1,2)
1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity
- Use Google Earth to createthe setting for the stories
- Setting of a story can take place in one of the Seven Wonders of the World.
- Using Google Earth the students can travel to exoctic places and can segway into learning about other cultures
3.Engage in learning activities with learners from multiple cultures through e-mail and other electronic means. (2,6)
3.Model Digital-Age Work and Learning
4.Promote and Model Citizenship and Responsibility
- Teachers and students can use Skype to talk to other students around the World.
- Skype is a free source that allows you to communicate through a video screen.
- Students can become Skype Pen Pals with students in other countries.
- They can learn through one another about their unique cultures.
5. Find and evaluate information related to a current or historical person or event using digital resources. (3)
1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity
- Use sites such as to research famous and historical figures
- also lists videos
- For example:I would have students research and create reports on famous Black Americans or American Presidents using the internet.
6. Use simulations and graphical organizers to explore and depict patterns of growth such as the life cycles of plants and animals. (1,3,4)
1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity.
2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
- Create a classroom garden and use graphics to depict the maintenance, growth and harvest of the plants.
- Study the lifecycle of a butterfly using pictures, graphics and charts.
- When testing the students refer to a specific graphic or chart that was illustrated in class.
Using technology for grades K-2 (Ages 4-8)
By:Carly O'Brien