- not at all scalable without hard-coded SQL magic and lowest-level adding to Django and modding of Tastypie
- no object level privileges
- no offline working/syncing
- no `private clusters` for corporates through partitioning
- forced to optimize the wrong stuff in the wrong domain
- started to `feel wrong` (aka `got smelly`)
- manages changes to relations (1:1, 1:n, m:n)
- automatically updates the other side (atomic saves/deletes).
- memoizes document fields to monitor differences
- creates hooks for custom code when relational fields change
- correctly handles and compares mixed types and states(!) of mongoengine relations
- only 1 tiny extension to mongoengine's declarative syntax: just using the `related_name` argument sets everything up.
- transparently caches documents in a thread-safe, self-attaching DocumentCache on the request object
- setup couldn't be easier: DocumentCache( request ) suffices
- interact with the cache through `add`, `get`, `remove`, or let the overridden internals take care of it: accessing a related field with <document>.<fieldname> uses the cache
+ Relational
+ Privileges
+ TastyMongo
= Goodness!
Progressive Planning
Marcel van den Elst
Why `Pyramid`?
- 'cause `they done things right`!
- better Request/Response objects (Webob) compared to Django
- nice traversal API
- we actually use 90% of Pyramid, and used only about 20% of Django
Why `TastyMongo`?
TastyMongo features
(except for its gross inefficiency)
- we had a RESTful API (TastyPie) that worked like a charm with our backbone-relational framework
- we LOVED that functionality and separation of concerns!
- but Tastypie is Django-Tastypie and we ditched Django
- so we took all the good parts and created `TastyMongo`!
because we had no install base and legacy to support
again: no joins in NoSQL!
- RESTful API for mongoengine (HTTP conform)
- very similar to the great Django-Tastypie, but more consistent and simpler API
- declarative syntax (like Django's or mongoengine's)
- Django-style cross-relational filtering (`books__author__name`) that constructs the required separate NoSQL queries
- error handling (without forcing HTML down AJAX throat...)
- small functions that can easily be overridden where required
- managed relations between resources (mapping to Documents)
- Document field introspection and mapping to Resource fields
- custom URI schemas
- pagination
- throttling
- authentication
- (de)serialization (JSON, XML, CSV, whatever you write)
Why `mongoengine-privileges`?
mongoengine-privileges features
- mongoengine-privileges leverages mongoengine-relational
- mixin with straightforward API
- we need document-level and field-level permissions
- we couldn't find an existing mixin that correctly and transparently handled object level privileges across relations
Why `mongoengine-relational`?
mongoengine-relational features
- we have 2-way relations (1:n, n:m)
- we need denormalization
- we need caching
- we need triggers when stuff changes
- we don't want headaches
hard-coded brittleness, inconsistency, boiler-plate
ObjectId strings, un-dereferenced ObjectIds, dereferenced objects, cached objects and DBRefs
bonus: DocumentCache
Why MongoEngine?
for our inherently highly related data
- NoSQL = NoSchema = No Deal
- small, transparent, active, mature, well-documented, readable, responsive authors
- Django is not all bad: it seemed easier to port our existing code to something with similar syntax
turned out to be true after we created TastyMongo, mongoengine-relational and mongoengine-privileges
Why adopt MongoDB?
Why abandon Django?
As it turned out we hardly used any of Django's features and most legacy stuff (non-AJAX tailored) actually got in the way
- started out as Django + PostgreSQL app (2009)
- Progressive Planning use case doesn't fit
- RESTful API through Django-Tastypie
- Wonderful. but. very. inefficient.
Django-Tastypie is lovely until you need performance
- everything is JSON (BSON)!
- deployment is a breeze
- web-scalable and flexible out of the box (Replica Sets)
- very active development + growing community
- `feels` much better and more human(e)
Why Progressive Planning?
Progressive Planning
(not about `resources` with statistical deviations that need to be measured and controlled)
- computers can do more than digitize paper-era-thinking
- `real` projects are about creative, excited, communicative, opinionated, multi-skilled human beings trying to achieve stuff together.
- `real` projects are volatile, highly interdependent, multi-constrained, interactive, networked, constantly changing, uncertain, stressful
- Progressive Planning supports REAL PROJECTS, i.e. YOU.