- Web pages
- Facebook page
- Flyers
- Mouth-to-Mouth
- Local Newspapers
- There is not many similiar companies in Finland who offer same kind of services.
- Good location
- We can stand out with our services and be first in pet business
- Luxury services
- Owners experience and knowledge
- Unique luxury
- Diverse services
- The services we will provide:
- Pet day care
- Pet boarding
- Chauffeur service, we can pick up your pet from your home or office
- Weight loss services for obese pets
- The customer should by our services because the cost-effective is great. Even though our prices are affordable, the quality of our services is high
- All our services are affordable
- The customers need our day care services if their pets suffer from anxiety when being apart from their owners. Some pets have very high energy level and need something to do most of the time. Those problems can be solved with pet day care which is personal and take into account owners wishes
- We will also do corporation with pet massagers and pet groomers. With them we can provide extra services that do not have an effect on the margin but help to gain a good reputation. Those extra services are:
- Pet massage
- VIP (Very Important Pet) special services
- Exclusive high-end food for pets made from the best ingredients
- Pet Boutique
- Financial issues
- Expertice
- Need for different kind of personnels
- Education of personnels
- Too much starting investments without thinking of the future
Competitor Analysis
Pet care places:
- Offers same kind of services
- Service variety not so huge
- Loyal Customers
People who serve accomodation services:
- Cheap
- Home like care
- Feeling that pets get more attention
- Money for youngster
- Give lot attention to pets
- Caring place customers home
- Our business has a chance to be very productive enterprise because of the demand for services
- With our expertise, good education and knowledge about animals we can offer more personal services
- Pet business raising all the time and money used in pets is raising at the same
Pet Care Lux
Target Customers
- High Quality
- Variable services
- Open daily
- Good location /premises
- Prices are competitive
The benefits of our services for the customers:
- They do not have to worry about their pets while they are working or on a trip and their pets will also be happier not having to be alone
- People who own pets
- Families
- Couples
- People who live alone
- Competitors
- Inflation
- Not enough customers
- Economy in Finland is in bad shape at the moment
- Customers loyalty
How finance our enterprise?
- Our own invest / savings
- Bank loan
- Sponsors
Eläinhoitola Lux Avoin Yhtiö
Pet Care Lux