To advise the EU Commission on the scope, content and format of the conference for V0.1 launch.
ESCO V0.1 Conference - Concept
Why do we need it?
- A conference in mid-2015 in a hotel or conference center
- Target all stakeholders but mainly MS for mapping national classifications to ESCO
- Topics could include:
- demonstrate further evolution of ESCO
- inform about implementation of V1 and its expected features
- gather feedback for ESCO beyond 2017
- present results from mapping pilot and next steps
- demonstrate added value of ESCO in EURES and Europass
- Follow up and to build on ESCO V.0 launch.
- Engage directly with stakeholders.
- Raise expectations for V1.
- To launch ESCO V0.1.
Expected outcomes
Proposed programme
Purpose of session
- Increase in ESCO visibility and perceived quality.
- Extend the call for the participation in the new 16 SREFs.
- Organisations and other Commission services achieve better understanding of what ESCO is.
- Increase motivation for Organisations like P(R)ES to use ESCO in their applications.
- PES will get a clearer idea of what mapping consists of.
- Education and training stakeholders get better understanding of the added value of ESCO.
- Key note speech
- ESCO Vision
- Status of ESCO
- Experience from 3 SREFs
- Launch ESCO V0.1
- Parallel sessions
- Way forward
Points for discussion
1) Mapping to National classifications
2) Different options for private sector to use ESCO
3) Added value of ESCO in the Education sector
- Duration
- Number of participants
- Target stakeholders
- Suggestions to format and content
- others.....
ESCO is a Europe 2020 initiative.