- #5 Entrepreneurs per capita (Kauffman Foundation)
- #12 America's Smartest Cities (Daily Beast)
- #5 States with Fastest Growing Economies (MSN Money)
- #43 Best Places for Business & Careers - out of 200 cities (Forbes)
Business Plan Competition
- Students from Anchorage, Juneau, Fairbanks
- Past winners: Sequestered Solutions, Tyler Systems, Gear Spoke, Great Northern Peonies
- Working on location for maker space
- Small entrepreneurial spaces
- Education training, tool library
- Prototype for rural Alaska education
- Over 200 ideas in 2011
- $10,000 grand prize
- Renewable energy, outdoor gear, safety equip., medical devices, more!
Alaskan Innovators
- Completed first steps in getting Maker Faire license - July 2013
- Brings a community's innovators and inventors together to show their projects and teach others
- Worldwide event
- 30 participants
- 12 projects
- Another event in Sept 21-23
Now's the Time!
The future of Alaska's economy will depend on our ability to grow and encourage our existing base of innovators and inventors.
Thank you!
Questions? jbittner@aedcweb.com
(907) 334-1205
AMEP Incubator Space
Today's presentation can be found on AEDCweb.com
- 30 coders registered
- Weekend long event
- 5 projects submitted
- Another event in Feb. '13
Catapault Consulting
- EA Games, Bacardi apps
- Manufacturing projects - DOD, BP
- Meadery
Crowd Funding
- 50 AK Kickstarter Projects
- Generated over $1M in funding
- (Juneau, Hoonah, Haines, etc)
Debt Financing
- $5,000 crowd sourced micro loan
- 0%APR for 12 months
- AEDC first organization to be trustee in State
- Partnership w/ SBDC
Angel Funding