At the start...
- Mutual cooperation of GLAM institutions and Wikimedia is benefitial for both sides
- GLAM institutions of Serbia can join some already successful foreign institutions - Bundesarchiv, Queensland Museum etc.
- Our glam is represented by a group of about 10 people
- Each of them has it's own project
- The most important - personal contacts with crucial people
- We cooperate with small village and big city museums
- Technodrom - "first and the biggest temple of informations technology in the Czech Republic" - old computers etc.
- Národní zemědělské muzeum - agricultural museum of national importance offers us their encyclopedia under a free licence
What we do?
- Represent WMF projects in the Czech Republic
- Support better cooperation between wiki community and real world
- Offer professional help or tools to the community (photographic equipment, legal support)
We plan to cooperate with these institutions:
- Old Prague club (Klub za starou Prahu), can offer us unique old Prague pictures.
- Artist group Mánes
- Eastern Bohemian museum in Pardubice
... of what?
- Stealing their material
- Working more beacuse of us
- That people will no longer go to their museum/archive/gallery
- They have absolutely no idea who we are
- That we are wikileaks or whatever similar
Some of institutions already contacted decided not to cooperate with us. Why?
- They don't have what we want
- They do not want to speak with us.
- They are afraid...
Main information
- Our chapter was founded in early 2008
- Currently we have about 40 members
What has our GLAM already did?
- Bohuslav Martinů's centre in Polička
- Jaroslav Frager's works - blueprints of functionalist buildings of unique value
Well, we are not.
What czech GLAM currently does?
But that's not all
- We offer free access to human knowledge
- GLAM institutions will be more known in the society because of coopereting with one of the 10 most visited webpages in the world
- Wikipedia can get new content, new media and new articles
- We participate in all current events in Wikimedia Movement:
- Mediagrant (a grant supporting getting new media)
- Presentation & Outreach
- Nativity crib's museum in Třebechovicama pod Orebem
- National library - politématický strukturovaný heslář - how to make categorizing system in Mediawiki better?