Better classroom design around technology will also reduce distraction and allow students to focus on creation instead of consumption!
- reduce friction in learning
- reduce friction in collaboration
- mobilize the furniture
- mobilize the technology
- mobilize the internet
- reduce habitual use of technology
- make passive FACEBOOK staring difficult
- make creative collaboration easy
- 1:1 does not mean a desktop each (this isn't 1984 & these aren't TVs!)
Designing access to the internet along 20th Century office design lines (desktops, students seated passively in front of them on static furniture) encourages passive media consumption. Better design choices will change these habits!
- wheeled for collaboration
- furniture for learning
Digital Rebel T3i Imaging Set
Dream Media Arts Creation Centre
Macbook Air x10
Wall or desk mounted Brightlink
- multiple body options starting at the basic (and cheap) EP-1
- many lense options
- many adapter options
- advanced control
- spectacular video
- ~$5000 would outfit the class with 1 camera per group of 4
Cameras that mean it
8 camera bodies w/ 18-55mm lenses and supporting lenses: ~$5000
for digital collaboration
A new mobilized/diversified techno-pedagogically sound media arts design centre
10 21" imacs for video editing
- imacs hard wired with gigabit ethernet to file server
- maxed out memory (16Gb each)
Powerful, resilient cameras that offer full manual control and many lense options
@$1000 each
... and also produce pro-quality video
- airbooks connect to one of two wireless N networks
- 11.6" screen
- 64Gb hard drive
- 4Gb memory
- redundant wireless network with dual band wireless N transmission for mobile electronics
- gigabyte ethernet connections
- teacher adjustable internet access
- intelligent network switching based on productivity
- creative activity focused, passive media consumption negating!
- 16Gb wifi
- connect to one of two wireless N dedicated networks
Flying Still & Video Camera
out of the ordinary camera options!
imagine the sports shots we could get!
Extend student video and photo projects with a resilient adventure proof camera that gets unique, challenging shots
all mobile tech tagged and charging at the end of each period using docks
natural and full spectrum lit table for macro photography & model video production
middle of room completely fluid
all tables and chairs on lockable wheels
file server, routers, misc networking, software
Existing floor plan with radically revised seating plan
24 desks @ $200ea, 28 chairs @$150ea
total: ~ $41,000
greenscreen studio with wall
and floor greened, full spectrum
lighting on sides and roof
Need to make media arts active and stop access to internet meaning passive consumption (de-facebook zombifying)
Current, static, all desktop school lab with board imaged, MDG intentionally hobbled WindowsXP computers that barely do anything useful and offer students access to less than 1/10th the online space they would have on a free Google account (or 1/25th the space they currently have on UGcloud).
Inspired by the Martela Inspiring School
and preventing the passive Facebook/youtubing
that seems like evolved TV watching.
$1800/computer x 28 computers = $50,400
10 27" imacs for video editing/heavy media processing work
$10,000 more for a lab that does nothing useful using old Windows, broken browser (incorrectly installed Internet Explorer) and useless word processor (Wordperfect), and enocurages bad habits and causes IT headaches (server overload, constant maintenance by board IT, etc)
... and that includes mobile technology and ergonomic chairs and mobile desks that actually encourage collaboration
projected collaborative
digital wall or table multiple access to editing and pre-screening
furniture usable on greenscreen doubles as brainstorming/media review area