Malofiej Infographics Awards
The New York Times | M17 | Best of show
Político | SND 31 | AOE
Expresso | SND 31 | Gold
South Florida Sun Sentinel | SND 31 | AOE
Denver Post | SND 30 | Silver
Berliner Morgenpost | SND 31 | Silver
Presente (Mexico) | SND 30 | AOE
Washington Post | SND 31 | Gold
El Mundo | SND 30 | AOE
Houston Chronicle | SND 29
The Plain Dealer | SND 29
По гамбургскому
National Geographic | M18 | Gold
Svenska Dagbladet | M18 | Gold
Público | M18 | Gold
The New York Times | M17 | Gold
National Geographic | M18 | Silver
The New York Times | M17 | Gold
National Geographic | M17 | Gold
5W Infographics
The Washington Post | M18 | Silver
National Geographic | M18 | Silver
National Geographic | M17 | Silver
за внимание!
La Voz del Interior (Argentina) | M17 | Bronze
Clarín (Argentina) | M17 | Bronze