Habit 2: Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood
States Mandating BMI Screening
= States requiring BMI screening
= States using Fitnessgram for BMI screening
= States recommending BMI screening
Our current system is broken
Habit 6: Put First Things First
Disseminating Findings
MotivateMe Protocol
Month 2
Month 4
Month 6
- BMI Measurement
- BMI Measurement
- Behavior Survey
- Motivational Interview
- Targeted Education
Results: BMI Remained Stable
MotivateMe Participants
However, Mixed Individual Results
*Compared to Baseline Interview BMI
Immediate Outcomes
Intermediate Outcomes
- All students cited positive outcomes from the study
- 95% were able to list at least one concrete thing they learned
- Average “interest in making changes to get to a healthier weight” consistently improved throughout the course of the study, from 8.43 to 9.00 to 9.18.
- By the end of the study, all students had attempted some concrete specific behavior change
- Walking to school, bringing lunch from home
- 95% are planning to keep up with at least one of the lifestyle changes they made while participating in the study
Beyond BMI
Participant Demographics
- On things learned: “How to set yourself a goal and achieve it. It can take time, but once you do it it’s an achievement.”
- On what student liked about the study: “Motivation. Made me realize how important it is to reach a healthier weight.”
- On success with goal: “I just got used to it, and now I don’t really notice it anymore. It took about one week.”
- 81% remembered receiving Fitnessgram
- 31% reported acting upon the data
- 90% had a doctor
- 57% had discussed their weight with him/her
- 77% identified family members as overweight
Habit 4: Begin with the End in Mind
Summing up the Seven Habits
Habit 1: Be Proactive
Habit 2: Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood
Habit 3: Think Win-Win
Habit 4: Begin with the End in Mind
Habit 5: Synergize
Habit 6: Put First Things First
Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
Many Thanks to…
- George Washington High School Administration and Wellness Center Staff (Ericka Lovrin, Susan Schneider, Lynda Boyer-Chu, Quarry Pak, Steve Youn)
- FIT (Fitnessgram Improvement Team) RAs!
- Project Advisors – Anisha Patel, Kris Madsen
- PLUS Advisors – Anda Kuo, Katie McPeak, Clem Donahue
- PLUS co-residents
- UCSF Community Partnerships Office
- AAP CATCH Grant Program
- Curtis Chan and SF Child Obesity Task Force
- Michael Cabana and Division of Gen Peds
MotivateMe: Working with Schools to Address Obesity in Adolescents
Joanna Mimi Choi, MD PGY-3
PLUS Grand Rounds
June 2012