Excellent resources, not tagged STEM, can be found on GeoGebraTube.
Professor Adrian Oldknow shows how a video recording of a moving ball can be captured on Tracker* and analysed on GeoGebra.
From top left clockwise, these projects on Solar Eclipse, Speed of Light and Carbon Dating were provided by 15 year old students and can be found at
One of the students produced an excellent and useful report entitled Geogebra and Technology Enhanced Learning: http://orbit.educ.cam.ac.uk/wiki/File:GeoGebra_Software_for_Technology_Enhanced_Learning.docx
'Raising the Bar: International PISA STEM Framework' suggests that the best performing international countries for education do not study technology in isolation. Their education features problem solving, rich curriculum, people skills and high perception of the value of education:
Accordingly, the Cambridge Centre for Innovation in Technological Education (CCITE) has developed a 20-20 STEM framework within which GeoGebra can provide a strong contribution: >
* 20 multi-disciplinary projects each for UK key stage 2 and 3
* 5+ Projects per year, each 10 curricular + 10 extra-curricular hours
* Problem solving, rich curriculum, expert teacher engagement, skills and perception
* Groups of 4-5 pupils teamworking and presentation
* Using new and existing resources inc schools' own projects
This 6-week summer project included 3 workshops, group activity, working with experts, learning and presenting about flight, creating Geogebra resource to make a paper plane, parabola curves and flight path:
An excellent student description can be found in: http://orbit.educ.cam.ac.uk/wiki/File:Flying_Paper_Planes.docx
Here, EXISTING GeoGebra resource is used to contribute to this two-part project by Professor Adrian Oldknow.
In part 1, groups research aspects of different types of flying object as below. This research might include mathematical modelling using GeoGebra software. Teams produce a display/presentation of their research and own models.
In part 2, there is an extended project inter-group challenge to build and compete with paper hot air balloons.
Resources: Large hall (the higher the ceiling the better), projector and screen. Presentation to teach history & theory + balloon construction.Sheets of A3 tissue paper (15/balloon).Scissors, glue sticks, strips of card, marker pens.Temperature sensors and data logging equipment, stop clocks, hot air guns (x3 of each) + tables to create balloon test stations. Staff pupil ratio1 teacher for every 15 children
•Introductions and guidelines for the activity explained. The challenge is set – to build a balloon to participate in a ‘balloon race’- to make the highest OR the longest balloon flight. (5 mins)
•Science presentation – explain the history and theory of hot air balloon flight. (10 mins)
•Balloon construction demo - how to make a tissue balloon. (10 mins)
•Divide children into groups of 4 or 5 and groups into three or four teams. Explain where materials can be collected from and how construction is to be organised. (5 mins)
•Balloon construction. ( 30 minutes)
•Break (10 mins)
•Balloon construction continued – children can continue to complete/modify their balloons during testing.
•Testing and modifying. (30 mins)
•Use of data logger to measure temperature of air inside the balloon – relate to density and height and duration of flight.
•Competition – measuring height and duration of flight from a controlled quantity of hot air – two minutes – score each group for height and duration of flight. Add group scores to give a total score for each team. (20 mins)
•Tidy up. (3 mins)
•Results, feedback and evaluation. (7 mins)
This latest project, originally kick-off June 15th to Oct 15th 2013, challenges students to develop creative GeoGebra mathematical software STEM and to communicate and collaborate for learning. The following describes the project instructions, an agenda and the on-going results!
Here are the magnificent results from Greece and Italy! Their projects displays, in addition to technological excellence, an excellent example of communication and collaboration between the ten-person team, valuable management experience and mentoring for both evaluation and support: you can explore via the links below. You can also see them, and how they developed on: https://www.facebook.com/groups/504367366281470/?fref=ts
and these individual projects are still on-going as you can see via the links
Although maybe not STEM, these are my favourites :-) they are really interesting because young children are learning from and enjoying GeoGebra!
'I could already see an improvement in my 5 year olds counting strategy after a while of playing it.'
Play it yourself!
As you go through the next five GeoGebra screens, decide as quickly as you can 'Who has more?' - the 10-frame...or the dice?
How did you do?!
You can also have a go for real on: http://www.geogebratube.org/material/show/id/28755
(Thanks to GoldenJ)
GeoGebra workshop for 240 pupils average age......8!
Following a recent project using Facebook for Communication Management, in which content is stored on other excellent self-sustaining sites, we have just started exploring how we can best work to-and-fro so people can work where they want (virtually as well as physically) and we have both:
Communication Management
Content Management
using Facebook, YOURsite(s) and/or MYsite
STEM 20-20
'Analysing Sporting Performance' on-line course absolutely free!
Give us feedback and get a certificate!
Intern Challenge!
Special offer...!
GeoGebra Intern STEM Challenge
Example Agenda
- Define the challenge for your students: as above, or more specific such as engineering, flight, patterns in nature etc
- Bring students together into a kick-off, mid-term and final celebratory workshop
- Support them both in providing or arranging GeoGebra help and in choosing and developing their ideas
- Arrange Skype with your Institute coordinator Julia or Barbara
- Decide, with us, whether their work and participation deserves a Geogebra Intern certificate - valuable for their CV.
Interns will be expected to:
- Present evidence of their individual contribution in the form of a one- page report including any links.
Two examples can be found later in this Prezi.
10.00 - 10.10 Welcome and Objectives
10.10 - 10.20 Challenge: To identify and put together new and existing best practice Geogebra STEM resources.
[Mentor note: You may wish to discuss what STEM is…and is NOT. You may wish to show examples from the PREZIS. You may wish to be more specific e.g. Identify or develop Geogebra resources for Football performance measurement. You may wish to leave them to sort it out themselves! The objective is to constrain them as little as possible at this stage]
10.20 - 10.40 Group work 1: Students split into groups of 5 to address the challenge (teachers stand back :-)
3 minutes discussion - then each group present first ideas for 60 seconds!
Receive feedback from other teams and experts
[Mentor note: This ‘creative through pressure’ technique is called Hothousing – a lot can be done in this time. Constructive feedback is essential – on both ideas and presentation clarity.]
10.40 - 11.30 Group work 2: Discussion and agreement on 'who does what', Research, Interview experts, Develop approach, plan and next steps, Practice presentation
[Mentor note: Students organize THEMSELVES including timing. The Mentor provides the minimum support reminding students of the 11.30 deadline if required. You may wish to direct students towards the PREZIs if they haven’t already found them themselves]
11.30 - 11.50 Group 60-second presentations/demonstrations: Receive peer feedback, discuss teamworking experience.
[Mentor note: Students self and peer feedback is a MAJOR learning AND group bonding opportunity, even if they decide to work on individual projects.]
11.50 - 12.00 Next Steps and Close: Student and mentor commitment to next steps, next meeting, and 60-second evaluation questionnaire.
[Mentor note: Students must leave with a clear, simple definition of (1) What they wish to do (e.g. Develop GeoGebra items and lesson plan for Flight) which can of course be changed), (2) How they are going to communicate, (3) Date of next meeting]
- Identify and put together new and existing best practice GeoGebra STEM resources.
- Develop a new GeoGebra item, evaluate an existing item, create a website or indeed anything (with mentor agreement) which reasonably relates GeoGebra to Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths!
- Work individually, in teams and/or as part of a larger organisational project.
- Provide students with an opportunity to practice and learn communication and collaboration skills, notably teamworking and presentation skills, which will be an essential requirement of their future careers.
Deadlines and Deliverables
If you agree to be a mentor,we will:
- Arrange an introductory skype with you then
- Announce participants (Institutes, mentors and interns)
- Register you and your students on Facebook tony's interns. This will be the primary contact method
- Be available for Skype(s) with your students
- Start June 15th - End October 15th 2013
- Activity to take place anytime within this
- Long term project
- Short term summer project
- Communication and delivery of one-page reports or other - on ‘the Facebook page ‘tony’s interns’ including links to:
- GeoGebraTube (please tag any items STEM).
- Successful interns will receive a GeoGebra certificate.
Projectiles: looking at e.g. catapults, STOMP rockets, siege weapons (trebuchet), flight of ball etc. Ideas of variables – angle of elevation, initial velocity, time of flight, max height, max range etc. Practical measurement and estimation e.g. time, speed etc. Data capture from photos and video. Use of e.g. Tracker or Logger Pro software
Gliders: looking at wing shapes. Making paper planes. Idea of lift. Use of wind tunnel? Means of launching e.g. MindSets electric launcher. Who can make a piece of A4 go furthest?
Capturing movement in Tracker
The results can be seen on the University of Cambridge ORBIT (Open Resource Bank for Interative Education):
Moving Ball...
Professor Adrian Oldknow shows how a video recording of a moving ball can be captured on Tracker* and analysed on GeoGebra.
* http://www.cabrillo.edu/~dbrown/tracker/.
written by Doug Brown, Cabrillo College USA
Communication and Collaboration and Content in Technological Education
Parachutes: air resistance. Make a paper cone from an A4 sheet of card that takes longest to drop a lump of blu-tac to earth from a given height.
Power before and after launch. Compressed air rockets, water rockets, Top Gear toys, elastic band driven propeller aircraft.
Videostrobe and GeoGebra
Communication and Collaboration as well as Content in Technological Education
Watch this space!
Duxford Propellors
Rocket Lift
Propellors: http://www.geogebratube.org/material/show/id/12206
Mentor Comments
Tried and tested
hot air balloon activity
> The very clear demonstration of the complementarity of the real and virtual by experiment and simulation beyond effects which cannot be observed in real lab experiment. It really brings the physical and virtual lab to life
> It is a powerful addition and extension to the work featuring in GeoGebra STEM PREZI
> The project was extremely well-managed with clear presentation of the work
"Counselling was used both as an evaluation process and as a method for the enhancement of the students’ self-efficacy to accomplish the project. The project is the “first step” of a future interdisciplinary research project and it is considered to contribute to the students’ personal and career development."
Primary Maths
20-20 STEM Framework
20-20 STEM Framework
& Invitation
Thanks to Federico Fabrizi, Pietro Pennestrì
...and students!
Flight Example: creating GeoGebra resource
The project including the GeoGebra resources can be seen on the University of Cambridge ORBIT (Open Resource Bank for Interative Education):
This is a periodically updated (February 2014) collection of GeoGebra STEM resources. We wish to show that, whilst GeoGebra can be used 'stand-alone', it can also form part of wider projects calling on communication and collaboration as well as technology skills, fostering enjoyment, self-belief and stamina to face challenging problems - as recommended by PISA.
We start with movement simulation examples taken from GeoGebra Tube (there are many others to look at!). Then we show GeoGebra used with Tracker for motion data capture and simulation, technology enhanced learning, with Raspberry Pi for moving vehicles...and then as part of bigger projects within a 'PISA - STEM 20-20 Framework'.
Raspberry Pi
Control and Data
We end with an example on-line course complete with many resources and full instructions which you can also link to here:
Moon and sea
Daniel Mentrard
Our target is to use GeoGebra with RPi as in this 2-minute video on steerable vehicles:
Parallel Parking optimization
Hot-off-the press:
GeoGebra on Raspberry Pi!
& Technology Enhanced Learning
& Motion
Speed of Light
Solar Eclipse
Video to Tracker to GeoGebra
GeoGebra STEM
Capturing movement in Tracker
Updated February 2014
Dr Tony Houghton 07802 765575 tony.houghton@ccite.org
Educational Development Director CCITE
(Cambridge Centre for Innovation in Technological Education) www.CCITE.org
Carbon Dating
Moving Ball...
* http://www.cabrillo.edu/~dbrown/tracker/.
written by Doug Brown, Cabrillo College USA
Dr Tony Houghton
tony.houghton@ccite.org www.ccite.org