Wikimaraton Helsinki
- Kiasma Museum on contemporary art
- 24 hours, 15:00 - 15:00
- Improve articles about contemporary art
- Program including:
- Writing!
- Introductions
- Midnight guided tour
- Sharing experiences
- Writing!
- 68 articles, 34 new
- 50 participants, 80% new!
- Not everyone was brave enough to stay (awake) the whole 24h
As a result, images were donated by the Central Museum. Tip: Make sure to understand the releasing mechanisms (OTRS) thoroughly - it is complicated!
- Tartu: 2nd city of Estonia
- Framework collaboration with local institutions
- Monmouthpedia!
- Tartu-100
- Content & editors
- Mostly online, few meetups
- Small contests, i.e.
- Tartu theater history
- Tartu literature history
- 95 year Estonia photography competition
Wiki Loves Public Art
Wikipedia Inside Courses
- May 2013
- Photo contest of public works of art
- Cooperation with Europeana
- Five countries, plus international jury
- Mayor cities (lack of national databases)
- 75% of all listed works
- 9,250 images
- 225 uploaders, 57% new contributors
- Sweden:
- Photos of public art collections in Museums
- 5 meetups and photo safaris, outreach
- open database of public art, with a public API
Tip: Reach a new group of volunteers and GLAMs.
- Courses in Skolkovo Open University
- 7 lectures and several workshops
- videotaped (15 hours!)
- for students on site and newcomers via video
- requires little resources and scales well
- i.e. Rules of Wikipedia; How to write articles
- ~400 views per video
Tip: Courses are useful not only for your direct listeners but also for newcomers watching the video.
Wiki Wednesday
- First Wednesday of the month
- Informal
- Different locations in Copenhagen
- Meeting + activity
- Since 2010
- Some new people, not many
Regularity. Do it EVERY month, no matter if people show up or not.
Wikiekspedycja 2012
- 3 - 12 August 2012
- Northeastern Poland
- 11 people, 2 teams: red & blue
- 6 people in 2 cars
- 5 people in a camper & bicycles
- Photos from a region
- 3780 pictures
Work with local guides. Bring umbrellas.
EduWiki Conference
- 1.5 day conference on educational practice
- University of Leicester
- International in scope, set up by WMUK
- Focus: collaboration, open review, global participation
- 60 participants
- 50% educators
- 30% Wikimedians
- Ambassador program with JISC
- Organization for digital technologies in UK for education & research
- Paper how scholars should work more openly
Tip: include an optional Wikipedia introduction
- weekly "Newsletter"
- updates about the international Wikimedia universe
- short introductions and links to all relevant projects, news, dates and discussions
- created on-wiki by community and staff
- sent via mailing list, blog by the WMDE
- archived on-wiki
Tip: Fill it constantly, not only one hour before the deadline; people who have in on their watchlist see the updates instantly.
Wiki loves Sound
- What does & did the world sound like?
- 2000 'old' sounds donated
- Workshops field recording
- Sound/edit-athon
- Future generations
- Less popular
- Uploading is complicated!
Tip: Even recordings with a smartphone can be usefull, be sure to communicate that you don't need fancy equipment to participate.
Image donation Rijksdienst Cultureel Erfgoed
- Responsible for recognizing monuments
- Monuments and possible monuments
- Each candidate has dossier, including photos
- Content donation: 555.000 images of candidates
- Connecting images to buildings
- Wiki Loves Monuments!
Tip: Meta data, meta data, meta data!! GPS location, description, etc. should be extensive as possible
Ada Lovelace day 2012
- Library of the Royal Society
- Edit-a-thon & panel discussion
- 16 attendees, 14 new
- 4 trainers
- New communities?
- Articles about women scientists
- Tip: bundle events to appeal to more people
Chernobyl Wikiexpedition
Free Knowledge Advocacy Group EU:
Give Free Knowledge a voice in Brussels
- Bring together stakeholders within Wikimedia
- 1st Gathering in Brussels
- April 2013
- 11 participants (chapters, community, WMF)
- 1 facilitator, 1 external expert
- Multi-chapter collaboration
- Focus
- Freedom of Panorama
- Public Domain for government works
- Orphan works
- "Wikimedian in Brussels"
- monitor Wikimedia related copyright issues
- inform and coordinate the EU chapters & activities
Tip: Offer different levels and ways of participation, make the barriers for participation as low as possible.
- Nuclear accident 1986
- Chernobyl Exclusion Zone
- One in a row of several Wikiexpeditions in Ukraine
- Wikimedians from 6 different countries
- Permission to enter a closed zone
- Professional guide
- 900 photos, 30 people
- International wikimeetup and exchange
- Tip: Use the power of Wikipedia to open doors that normally remain locked.
- Vilamovian
- ~50 speakers left, largely unstudied
- 7 Wikimedians
- Józef Gara (1929 - 2013): writer, poet
- 17 & 77 year old
- Recordings of words by native speaker (until May)
- Cleanup & uploading by Wikimedians (until October)
- Tip: "older people get tired more easily"
Wiki loves Earth
- Nationwide
- April/May 2013: 1 month
- Photo contest
- Lists of 7,384 natural heritage sites
- 11,736 images (of 1,104 different sites)
- 365 participants
- Sponsorships
- Prizes included traditional dress, tablet PC and solar mobile charger
Tip: Find cool sponsors for the cool prizes
Photography Program
Wiki Loves Monuments: Canada
- photo workshops
- high end equipment
- accreditation & travel costs
- sports events
- concerts, cultural events
- celebrity events, tv shows
- portraits of politicians
- unbureaucratic volunteer support
- door opener for GLAM institutions
Tip: Make sure that photos are tagged and categorised correctly, to be able to monitor the results.
- 12,000 monuments
- Only 20% with free photo!
- 3 national prizes
- French & English
- ~5600 submissions
Wikipedian in Residence, Federal Archives
Annual Cleanup Contest
- Federal Archives of Switzerland
- July - December 2013
- Advising staff how to edit Wikipedia;
- Advising Wikipedians how to use the Archives
- Focus: World War I
- Goal: at least 5000 photos around WW1
- Text & photo
- Aiming for high quality; raising the standard
- Be patient - it takes 2 years to find a good protocol
- Do not push - they must believe in it
Kiwix in jail
- Wikipedia without internet
- Bellevue prison in Gorgier
- Capacity: 65
- 18/36 prisoners participated
- Nice press & blog coverage (10 articles)
- follow-up: education program in jail
Journée contributive: Physique
- 18 March - 7 April 2013
- Solving flagged problems in articles
- Online contest
- Open for all editors on hu.wp
- Prizes (300 EUR in total)
- Directly affected ~0.5% of all the articles in 2013
Tip: Turn unpopular tasks into a contest. Prizes improve satisfaction.
- Inter-departmental contribution day
- Université de Montréal
- Université de Sherbrooke
- Université Laval
- 25 university students of all levels
- 13:00 - 20:00
- Write articles on physics together
- Experts for content, Wikipedians for <ref>
- Regular workshops to discover Wikipedia & Wikimedia
- Senior Wikipedians meet newcomers
- Local volunteers in public space
- Open, welcoming
- Different cities, different workout
- Since 2011
- Local representation
Tip: Try to bring regularity and encourage people to come again next time
Chapters Meeting / Wikimedia Conference 2013
- Milano, Italia (April 2013)
- annual conference for chapters, affiliates and WMF
- 150 participants, 3+1 days
- Side meetings
- WMF board meeting
- Funds Dissemination Committee
- Wiki Loves Monuments
- Wikipedia Education Program
- Wikimedia Chapters Association
- Egg dropping
1001 Arabic words
- First online Arabic-Serbian dictionary
- Kick-off February 2013
- Combines Wiktionary and Arabic language
- 6 students in 3 teams, gathering in WMSR office
- 20 to 40 minutes to cover each word
- Adjusting Wikitionary templates
- Providing dictionary guidelines
- Writing Wikipedia articles about Arabic grammar
- One internal event celebrating the 101st word
- Chapter supports community members and new volunteers
Tip: Quality over quatity.
Wiki Loves Monuments: Italia
- Challenge:
- No list of monuments available (too many!)
- No freedom of panorama
- No publication of monument photos allowed
- Solution:
- Framework agreement with the Ministry of Cultural Heritage
- Authorizations from municipalities, provinces, and cultural institutions
- 7,000 photos
- Special prices
- Price ceremony
- Sponsors
35 hour edit-a-thon in Barcelona
- 12 - 13 April 2013
- Fundació Miró; 35th anniversary
- 35 hours; 3 shifts
- 80 participants
- Modern art
- Side activities to stay focused:
- Yoga
- Midnight tour
- Performances
- Writing! 150 articles
- 400.000th article
Tip: Look for new communities if you can't find enough Wikimedians and ask Wikimedians to take a lead role as trainers.
- Catalan Ministry of Culture
- Network of Libraries
- Wider coverage
- A la carte:
- Viquimarató (edit-a-thon)
- Photo liberation
- Text liberation
- Wikipedian-in-Residence
- QRpedia
- Multilingual writing
- Contest
- Wiki takes
- Educational program
- Wiki reading club (in development)
- Long term
- Workshops once a month for librarians by librarians
- Coming up: Wiki points of contact
Wiki reading club (in development):
- Choose topic
- Librarian gives each Wikipedian a non-fiction book
- Read books & improve articles
- Meet: share experiences, joined by expert
Soviet Armenian encyclopedia
- Content donation for Wikisource
- 13 vol. of Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia (ASE)
- Agreement on free licence
- One admin scanned all 13 volumes
- Digitised via OCR
- Wikification and update of articles
- Wikipedians and newcomers
Bibliotecari e Wikipediani
- Mailing list
- Librarians & Wikipedians
- Topics include: trainings, Wikidata, datasets
- Rumours about closing the identifier system
- Mailing list went from silent to the place to be to talk about open solutions and alternatives
- Specific outcomes:
- Training courses
- Import of identifiers to Wikidata
- Good contacts with specific libraries
Tip: Build bridges
Wikiconference Yerevan 2012
- 8 - 9 September 2012
- 250 participants
- Spread the word about Wikipedia and Wikimedia
- (re-)activate editors
- Founding of Wikimedia Armenia
- Topics included: Armenian Wikipedia, possible chapter activities and how & why things work.
- Program with national and international speakers
Tip: Organise (smaller) follow-up meetings to keep the spirit alive
Tip: Write reports simultaneous with the organizing
GLAM Bootcamp
- National Archives, Washington
- 26 - 28 April 2013
- 12 Wikimedians (US, Canada)
- Travel funds
- Train the trainers:
- How to represent Wikimedia in the cultural sector
- Improve outreach material
- Discuss future of GLAM-Wiki
Tip: Not more than 15 people; encourage breakout sessions!
wikiArS y UCAC2
- WikiArs: 2011 initiative Amical Wikimedia
- Pilot project UCAC2: 2013, joined by WMES
- University of Cadiz
- 7 students created 3D animation
- Blender software
- Expert content advisers
- Source files available
- Building upon existing materials
Tip: Encourage students to build upon existing free material, using free licenses.
Kfar Kama
- Middle school
- Teach students (14/15) how to write
- Western Adyghe language (kdb)
- 300k speakers, 7500 in Israel
- Incubator, +75 articles
- ~75 students
- Tip: Wikipedians should not have to deal with discipline
Viki Avir
- Collaboration with Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association
- Light planes
- Empty seat
- Wiki photographer!
- Aerial photos
- No request, just ride along
- So far: 5 people; 1500 photos
- Hope for avg. 1 per month
- Course areal photography obligatory & sponsored
Mifgashim Bareshet
- Collaboration Ministry of Education
- Classes about Wikipedia
- Record & stream!
- Multiple 6th grade classes per lesson
- 11-12 year: too young for editing
- 2012 & 2013
- 2012: 3 x 150 classes; 23,600 students
- 2013: 1 x 25 classes; 750 students
- Will be continued and further developed
- Lesson: Maximum number of classes required for quality
- Inspired by: "Adotta una parola va a scuola"
Writing bootcamp
- Monthly meetup in Taipei
- How to edit: tutoring
- No partnerships
- Café space; quieter now
- Since 2011
- 1-5 regular, 3-15 semi regular
- Also monthly, alternating, networking meetup
- Over 12 months, 99 people participated
If no one shows up, just write something.
Wikipedia Workshop Dhaka
- April 13 2013, Dhaka
- University of Information Technology and Sciences
- 2 hours, 150+ students attending
- 6 Wikipedian trainers
- Opened by the vice chancellor of the UITS
- General introduction + how to edit
- Biggest
- Coolest (this year rather hot)
- Hardest to organize
- Thorough bidding process
- Tradition since 2005
- Hundreds of volunteers coming together
- Sharing experience & knowledge
- ~1000 expected this year
Moëbius radio programme
- Weekly radio show
- Mexican radio station Ibero 90.9 (Universidad Iberoamericana)
- Young audience
- Connects two seemingly disjointed topics using Wikipedia
- For an example, Isaac Asimov => Encyclopedia Galáctica => The Hitchikers Guide's to the Galaxy => Marvin, the Paranoid Android => Ok, Computer => Paranoid Android = > Radiohead
- Did you ever get lost on Wikipedia?
- 30 minutes, talk & music
- To show how cool Wikipedia is
- Try new types of partnerships with universities!
Wikipédia Offline: Afripédia
- November 2012
- 13 French-speaking countries in Africa
- Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) and the Institut Français (IF)
- Train the 15 (paid) trainers: 5-day training
- 2 parts:
- offline access to Wikipedia (Kiwix)
- train people to contribute to Wikipedia & sisters
- Use the offline WiFi networks provided
- Nice press & blog coverage
Think ahead! Prepare future onliners for editing Wikipedia now.
- City of Johannesburg & Johannesburg Heritage Foundation
- Metropedia
- Plaques with QR codes: together with existing 'blue plaques'
- Monuments in Soweto
- 2013 - 2015
- Pilot 2013: 12 plaques & 6 editing events
- Multiple languages
- Goals: Content, Contributors & Spirit
Wiki Loves Monuments: ZA
- Collaboration with South African Heritage Resources Agency
- Spreading events over the country
- 24 Sept: Heritage Day
- 1800 pictures
- 3 quality prizes & 1 quantity prize
- Agree up front what you're looking for in a winning picture
- Focus on big cities with established presence
Official Speeches by Salvador Allende
President of Chile 1970 - 1973
Scan, upload and transcription of Salvador Allende's official speeches
- Supported by Salvador Allende Foundation (FSA)
- Pilot project: Donation of 10 out of 280 speeches
- Uploaded on Wikimedia Commons
- Volunteers create articles on Wikisource and correct/validate them
- Most of his official speeches have been destroyed or are missing.
- Planning to use them for subtitles
Tip: Encourage editors by splitting files (don't demand too much!)
Wikimedia chapters - the cool projects
Cool Projects
- Independent organizations
- Since 2004
- 40 chapters, mostly national
- Geographic
- Similar mission
Wiki loves monuments – around the world!
- Since 2011
- Collected through survey
- Max 3 projects per organization
- 34 organizations, 76 projects
- Hard! Thank you!
- Selection of ~40
- Variation, replication, inspiration
- Amazed
Other affiliates
- Since 2012:
- Thematic Organizations (1)
- Wikimedia User Groups (6)
- Also similar mission
- largest photo competition in the world
- more than 350,000 images
- over 15,000 people
- 33 participating countries
- 10 images per country to international jury
Be inspired
Nicole Ebber
Lodewijk Gelauff
Images are all CC BY-SA or more freely licensed. Authors (in order of appearance):
Knud Winckelmann
Yarl & CLI
Honza Groh
Elena Dam
Bea abbad
Kimmo Virtanen
Jeen Berting
Ivan Martínez
Rasel Sarker
Benoit Rochon
Claude Truong-Ngoc
Phil Bronnery & rejon
A. E. Chalon & Kaldari
Katie Chan
Daria Cybulska (WMUK)
Lilli Illiev
Nicole Ebber
Bundesarchiv Bild 194-0966-15 / Hans Lachmann
Plaistow John
Hernán De Angelis Campephilus user "tanakawho"
Borys Kozielski
Mario Milojević
Federica Brigida (Screenshot derrived from Paubahi)
Wilfredor modified by Laurentius
Marie-Lan Nguyen
Amos Meron
Sven Teschke
Victoriya Santmatova
Manfred Werner - Tsui
Michael Kranewitter
Manfred Werner - Tsui"
Krasnickaja Katya
Сергій Криниця (Haidamac)
Michael Meinild Nielsen
Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed-nl
Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed-nl"
Biblioteca del Congreso Nacional de Chile-cl
Tom Patterson
James Ball
Eesti Spordimuuseum
Mihkel Lehtmets-ee
Joaquim Corominas Tomàs
Marti rj
Josep Renalias
James Hare based on original logo by Dominic
Niccolò Caranti
Amimi Cheng (Wikimedia Hong Kong)
Zoe & Deryck Chan