Joined the European Union
(July 2012)- Spain borrows €423bn through its own central bank
motor vehicles, fuels, chemicals, and semi-finished goods.
(October 2nd 2012) -Spains’ economy is getting closer to looking like Greeces’ economy. Spains financial situation can only get better with the help of the 17 regional governments.
They converted from pesta to euros
Applied to join the European Union.
Struggling with their economic status
They owe money to the European central bank.
Spain still has Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy he was in office since 2004, he was elected December 21, 2011.
Ranked 36th out of 142 now (2012)
(September 15, 2012) - In the street of Spain, many people gathered to Protest Austerity Measures because of the employment rate being 25%
(September 27th, 2012) - An economic reform plan will be displayed, which involves Spain having a new ECB bonding plan.