Academic Peer Instruction: Benefits to Its Tutors
Edward Bagley
API Assistant Coordinator
Dr. Svetoslav Zahariev
API Coordinator
Dr. Andi Toce
API Coordinator
Dr. Joyce Zaritsky
API Founder and Advisor
A Tutor's Journey
Cindy attends two full days of training prior to the semester
She applies,
provides references,
gets an interview and is hired for the upcoming semester.
Meet Cindy!
- API provides benefits to both students and tutors.
- Gains to tutors are often overlooked.
Cindy is a LaGuardia student that has taken some key courses toward her major and has done quite well.
Cindy learns about API
She provides 3-5 hours of group tutoring each week
She meets each week with all API tutors and supervisors to share her experience and continue training
Cindy audits the targeted class and takes notes
On the first week of classes Cindy introduces herself and the API to her class.
She prepares a study plan and keeps detailed records of each session.
A Survey
A short survey was sent to all API tutors
- 1993 - 2004, 48 responses
- 2004 - 2008, 19 responses
- 2009 - 2012, 33 responses
Question 5: How important was your experience as an API tutor in helping you reach your career goals?
Question 1: How helpful was your position as an API tutor in giving you a better understanding of the course material you tutored?
Question 3: How much self-confidence did you gain because of your position as an API tutor?
Question 4: Were your career goals influenced by your API tutoring?
Question 2: How helpful was the tutoring in helping you decide on a career choice?
Academic Gains
Master Course Content by:
- Listening to different teachers
- Preparing relevant material for each session
- Interacting with students
Master Study Skills by:
- Participating in training
- Helping students
- Interacting with other tutors
- Preparing for sessions
"It opened a new dimension to my understanding of the material and I learned a lot from the students"
“My knowledge of the course material improved significantly. It is elevated to a higher level.”
API at LaGuardia
- Modeled after Supplemental Instruction, a nationally recognized peer tutoring program.
- Tutors re-attend the course and provide out of class group tutoring.
Financial Help
API by the numbers
- A tutor earns $1200 - $1400 per session
- A tutor that works during the entire academic year earns $4800 - $5600
- Full time resident tuition at LaGuardia is $4567 including fees.
Over 20 years of service to LaGuardia students
Over 90% of students rate API sessions as good or excellent
Benefits to Tutors
Students who attend API sessions consistenly show better results
More than
students attended at least 3
API sessions
More than 400 tutors
Professional Gains
200+ Participating
Career Choice
- Many tutors decided to pursue a career in teaching and academia
“Previously I didn’t consider the possibility of becoming a teacher. After tutoring for API, teaching has become my main goal.”
“I always wanted to be a scientist as a kid and I still want to, however API helped me discover that I have some gifts in the field of teaching so I am now considering becoming both a researcher and a professor.”
Leadership Skills
At LaGuardia since 1993
Build a Stronger Resume
Tutors are extensively trained
Tutors are "coaches" not teachers
Social and Personal Gains
Build Self-Confidence
- More confident speaking in public and communicating with other people
- More confident in their ability to learn and master course material
Social Interaction
- Make connections and form friendship with students, tutors, professors and API supervisors
- Learn more about transfer and scholarship possibilities
“Before I was an API tutor, I was afraid to talk to people. After, I felt more confidence.”