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Tartalom betöltése...



Jeanne Ann Clery

  • Jeanne Clery was raped and murdered by a student in her dorm room at Lehigh University in 1986;
  • Her parents believe she would have been more cautious if she had known about other violent crimes at the University;
  • Congress agreed.


  • As a Title IV Institution, MSU is required to comply with the Clery Act or lose federal financial aid;
  • CSA’s may be questioned during a federal audit;
  • The Department of Education may audit MSU to determine compliance and issue civil fines of up to $35,000 per violation.
  • MSU is required to:

Campus Security

Authority (CSA)

  • Campus police department or campus security department of an institution;

  • Any individual or individuals who have responsibility for campus security;

  • Anyone designated by the institution to receive a crime report;

  • Have emergency notification and evacuation procedures
  • Issue timely warnings and immediate notifications
  • Keep a crime log
  • Keep a fire log
  • Collect statistical crime reports from CSAs
  • Request crime statistics from local law enforcement
  • Submit yearly crime and fire statistics to ED via web-based data collection
  • Have missing student notification procedures
  • Publish and Annual Security and Fire Safety Report

Referrals for discipline for


Annual Training

  • Police must keep statistics on numbers of people arrested for liquor law violations, drug law violations and illegal weapons possession;

  • The Dean of Students' Office must keep statistics on number of people referred for disciplinary action for drug, liquor law and weapons violations;

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (20 U.S.C. § 1092 (f))

  • You're an official who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities;

  • You’re a trusted person on campus;

  • You’re in a role where someone may come to you for support.

How do I report a crime?


*Online CSA Crime Reporting form at:

*If Sexual Assault, you must ALSO report a Sexual Misconduct Reporting Form at:

*In person (MSU Police Department)

  • Keep good records, you may be asked to assist in an audit;
  • Get a good description of the incident or crime

*Specific questions will help police assign the

crime to the correct category;

*Get as accurate & complete as you can

When in doubt... REPORT!!!

  • If a survivor (victim) calls it to your attention;

  • If a witness or third party calls it to your attention;

  • Use the Clery Crime Report Form, which can be found at or

What if...

I'm Concerned about Someone?

  • In order to promote student safety and wellness, the Campus Safety & Welfare Team addresses behaviors that are disruptive or concerning
  • May include mental health and/or safety issues
  • Please visit:
  • to report a student welfare or safety concern



  • The Clery Act was first enacted in 1990 and amended in 1992, 1998, 2000, 2008 and most recently in 2013 with the re-authorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).

  • Requires institutions of higher education that accept federal funds through Title IV of the Higher Education Act to report crime statistics to current and prospective students and employees.

Ed McKenna

MSU has defined a Senior CSA as:

An individual who has been designated by MSU and is responsible for:

  • Identifying subordinate CSAs and updating the Clery Coordinator with changes;
  • Ensuring subordinate CSAs have completed annual training;
  • Provide resources to subordinate CSAs;
  • Attending a quarterly Senior CSA Meeting to de-conflict reports and keep current with federal law.
  • Clery Act Crime Statistics

  • Daily Crime Log

  • Timely Warnings & Immediate Notifications that pose a continuing threat to the campus

  • Information & Support to survivors
  • Rights & options in writing (Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence & Stalking

Reporting Area SCSA

- UPD - Sgt Michael Stanley

- Dean of Students - Ed McKenna

- Residence Life - Jeff Bondy

- Family & Grad - Chancey Ringer

- Athletics - Camie Bechtold

- International Programs - Susan Welker

- Institutional Equity - Jyl Shaffer

- Fraternity/Sorority Life - Matt Caires

- VOICE - Alanna Sherstad

- Disability, Re-Entry - Brenda York

& Veterans' Services

- Student Activities - Mandy St. Aubyn

- Student Advising - Diane Donnelly

- Clery Coordinator - Ed McKenna

Montana State University

What Information should I collect?

Let's Break this Down

  • Clery requires crime STATISTICS from MSU about certain crimes committed by ANY individual within our Clery GEOGRAPHY! The crime does not have to be committed by a student, faculty or staff member.

  • Clery GEOGRAPHY includes off-site locations if a team stays there for more than one night OR places - hotels- teams stay at EVERY YEAR.

  • You are a mandatory reporter for ALL Title IX violations involving students and University employees no matter where or when it occurs, but only some Title IX violations and crimes are counted for Clery. Confused yet?

  • Conduct Code violations that occur on athletic trips may or may not be be Clery countable, but SHOULD be reported to the Dean of Students and your Athletic Director.

Assistant Dean of Students

for Student Conduct

*Murder/Non-negligent Manslaughter

*Negligent Manslaughter

*Sexual Assault

*Rape *Fondling

*Incest *Statutory Rape


*Aggravated Assault


*Motor Vehicle Theft


*Dating Violence

*Domestic Violence


  • Date/Time of the incident;

  • Detailed location (inside building, outside building, cross streets, etc;

  • Detailed description (nature of crime);

  • May need to share more information based on other requirements and/or preference of person reporting;

  • We do not expect you to be an investigator, just a recorder.

Any of the previously listed crimes, plus:


*Simple Assault


*Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of


Please make sure to note bias of crime:

*Race *Sexual Orientation

*Gender *Gender Identity

*Religion *National Origin

*Ethnicity *Disability

May I have a

Map Please?

What is it?

Why Me?

What crimes do I report?

Hate Crimes

Why do I report this?

Who is a Senior CSA?

Who is a CSA?


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