Az Ön új prezentációs asszisztense.
Minden eddiginél gyorsabban finomíthatja, fejlesztheti és szabhatja testre tartalmait, találhat releváns képeket, illetve szerkesztheti vizuális elemeit.
Népszerű keresések
Create your own survey...
"We can’t say no to finding
out more about ourselves."
Do share lessons on cyberbullying and
digital reputation.
Do integrate online ethical use into
your character education program.
Don't "cover" these topics in a one-time, one-shot assembly!
Former elementary school teacher.
Teach teachers to use technology for learning.
Specialize in digital citizenship.
I’m a mom.
I love learning.
By Adrienne DeWolfe
Emphasizes the POWER & POSSIBILITIES of technology
Emphasizes the word “think” more than “don’t”
Using social media for upstander movements...
Compassion Mobs