“What kind of support is needed? Do our training and capacity building activities meet the needs of NAMA developers?“
“Who could
support my
“What transport
NAMAs look for
“What transport NAMAs
are under development?
At what stage are they?"
“Would be nice to know, how others have solved this issue …“
The Database in a nutshell
- Systematic overview on transport NAMAs
- Improving knowledge management and transfer
- Identifying capacity building needs
- Facilitating financial and technical support
- Creating stakeholder relationships & stimulate networking
- Interactive web-based portal (complementary to ECOFYS Database, UN-registry and UNEP Risoe pipeline)
- One stop shop for transport NAMAs
- First sector-specific NAMA database
Target Group
- Policy Makers, Technical experts, NAMA developer and potential funders
- Lead: GIZ
- Supported by: Embarq and Ecofys
- In partnership with: Bridging the Gap Initiative and the Partnership for Sustainable Low Carbon Transport
Operation of the T-NAMA Database
NAMA Editors (WIKI account)
- Add and modify information in predefined entry sheets (responsible for the content)
GIZ (Admin and facilitator)
- Approves new entries and changes based on coherency criteria; no in depth quality check.
- Contacts editors on doubts
- Receive information for verification before publishing
Next steps
- Launch of the prototype database at COP 19
- Review by experts and users
- Release of database version 1.0 in early 2014
- Promotion, extension and update of the database
- Analysis of NAMAs and use as needs assessment for training development
Database Structure
Level 1: Overview
General overview of all transport NAMAs featured in the database
Level 2: Transport
NAMA Fact Sheets
More detailed summary of each NAMA including lessons learned
Level 3: Technical documents,
studies and presentations
In-depth information about NAMA identification, development and implementation
Preliminary findings (November 2013)
- Transport NAMAs represent 19% of 82 NAMAs in Ecofys Database
- ~ 50% at feasibility study level, ~ 50% at a more advanced stage
- All developing country regions developed transport NAMAs: Most active Latin America 64% (16), only 12% (3) in Asia
- Variety of transport NAMAs are being explored and developed
- Mode: 56% freight; 68% Public Transport; 56% MIT; 32% NMT
- Approach: 8% Avoid; 35% Shift; 55% Improve
- Policy instruments: Public investments (76%), Regulations (44%), Economic instruments (32%), Information (32%)
Sectoral distribution of NAMA proposals and feasibility studies (according to Ecofys NAMA Database)