Climbing for My Students
Every Student, Everyday, NoMatter What!
When we believe they succeed...
"Failure is part of making new and amazing things"
Regina Dugan
- Every time my student feels that they are failing I say these words. "I will not let you feel scared and together we will succeed."
- A child's community plays the biggest affect on their ideals of failure as well as thir ideals of success.
- Failing is the biggest learning tool a student could have on the path of success.
Believe in Your Students
Technology and Engagement
- Whether you have 1 iPad or are 1-1, quality over quantity is key.
- Using T-Pack model gives the technology you use both engagement and purpose.
Engaging students in learning
To engage students in learning I ...
- Apply for 3 grants a year to be able to supply my students with new exciting learning tools. Example this year we added a QBall to our room.
- Using Jan Richardson's questioning techniques I teach my students how to engage in "thick and thin" questions.
- teach my students how to set lofty goals, and set plans to reach them.
- surround my students with choice, for example in our class I offer flex seating.
Engage them in the Learning
"Climb the mountain not to plant your flag, but to embrace the challenge, enjoy the air, and behold the view."(Berger, 2016, p. 397)
"No significant learning can occur without significant relationships"
Knows their students
Bring on the passion, bring on the curiosity
- I use the morning meeting outline to build a community within my classroom.
- I make it my goal for everyone of my students to know each others names by October.
- We set goals together, and engage in learning together.
- I use Class Dojo for my students to showcase their work to their own community at home.
- I expect the most from my students everyday, because they expect the most of me, and we are in this together.
- I encourage them to ask questions everyday with their partners, and when we are learning whole group.
Rita Pierson is my spirit animal!!