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In what ways does the media product use, develop, or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Length / form

The opening title sequence is approximately 1min, 30 secs. Which is in fact close correlation to that of a common Neo - Noir. This is long enough to narrate the story and presents the lead characters in detail.


The titles run only between transitions within the OTS, in order to gain full attention. The title themselves act as the narrator with a silent voice, describing the story, presenting the actors/actresses and the film's title itself.


The representation challenges form of traditional Film Noir by differing with; younger actors/actresses, weaponry, lighting effects, and especially, time of day. This is significant to show how the particular OTS is a Neo - Noir.


Our OTS uses narrative to an extent in which the narrator is text displayed in bright colours against a black background. Without the narration of the text, the story would seem confusing. Corresponding to other Film Noir, suchas; Double Indemnity, the basis of 'JackHammer' uses remembered time to tell the story. The text displays the thoughts within the Anti - Hero's mind.


The OTS uses sound to emphasise the melodramatic atmosphere. As within 'JackHammer', there is a constant heartbeat maintained as a soundbridge throughout each scene and transition, also the slow tense sound that loudens until the final opening credit.

How does the media product represent particular social groups?

Locations/lighting, etc..

  • The locations for the Neo - Noir were filmed within urban streets, and woodland (Woodland mostly to differ from Film Noir).
  • All lighting was natural, and during the daytime, with the sun, and trees, acting as ciaroscuro lighting. Though there was rarity of lighting effects.

Target audience and how we pleased them.

Above is a peer assessment carried out by the film crew, a member of the target audience (a youth/student) and the project leader.

The information left by the projected target audience member shows that;

  • The camera was used at good angles.
  • Good for showing reactions of the characters.
  • There was appropriate shooting material.
  • Black & white filtering and locations were good.
  • the editing works well, transitions are good.
  • The sounds fit well with the picture.
  • Titles work well in creating tension.

They were pleased with eveything but the framing of the shots, as none were used, so it seems less degrading.

The project leader also seemed pleased which a little unexpected, however, commented that the mode of address could be improved; why are the characters wearing hoodies? Why is it daytime? Etc... Though it seems fair, as they don't fit with the target audience.

Overall, the OTS of the Neo - Noir is seen to be good from the perspectives of the target audience, which is what the initial aim was, therefore now being accomplished.

What kind of media institution might distribute the media product and why?

Who would be the audience for the media product?

Here are a few photos of the projected audience(s):

Here are links to research of the target audience on my blog:

Youths would correlate to the OTS, due to viral marketing, especially those who take similar tasks or who enjoy to work based upon Neo - Noirs.

Here is evidence of my research for distributing/exhibiting a product:

The focus group is full of people who are aimed as the target audience.

The focus group seems to be stocked with people who enjoy/own, or have seen Noir films. Considering few have seen them, or even heard of them, this must make the focus group young, as most older generations will all know what Film Noir is and would enjoy it.

Links to sites on audience reaerch follow in the link below:

How did the film crew attract/address their audience?

The audience's desires were met, as the questionaire results were followed accurately to gain the most interest from the most commonly answered of those questions. E.g. 83% answered that they prefer Neo Noir, hence a Neo Noir was made. Making the audience the prosumers, as they encouraged the production of this, and will likely consume the product.

Referring again to the previous questionaire, the likes & dislikes of the audience was researched by asking specific questions, as it explains; the majority enjoy watching Noir, most prefer Neo over traditional Noir, and most prefer the story overall, therefore, the OTS being based upon a thick narrative structure and not soley on acting.

A low percentage dislike the Noir genre, therefore there is now the likely possibility of transforming the genre so more can enjoy it.

Planning styles involved things that correlate to youths, teenagers and young adults. Most common are urban locations (cities/towns), fashion (hoodies/jeans/trainers), and most improtantly, what they can use as a weapon (tools/kitchen equipment). Within the OTS, the content seems to parallel to that of an average young adult.

Exhibition methods would be at sites such as; colleges, town/city centres (popular locations). The film crew would likely be exhibiting their product in a college to students, for studies, examinations, etc... Students would be the ideal and most specific target audience to begin with.

OTS sequence assessed by peers as a focus group session:

The titles are said to be extremely helpful in edition to a confusing narrative structure which revolves around being complex, and to initiate the audience into using their minds to figure out the plot. The titles themselves act as characters to place the audience in a state of being horrified. The hook is designed to fade to black so that the audience don't know what is happening, and so that they remain seated to know what happens in the end. The tension used within the OTS is mostly due to the sound, it becomes more irritating to disturb the audience so they sit squeamishly.

What have the film crew learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Usefully describes and updates information to subscribers, so that they remain informed of particular products/participants in the processing and can help those products become popular/better, etc...

Dramatically changes previous versions to more effective and elaborate products, ones that greatly interest those who consume them.

The consumers can easily access these uploads to do whatever they like. And advice/comments can be given for future developments to improve those products.

Personal enjoyment can come out of recording self made footage. And helpul tips from the consumers/prosumers can help make those films better.

The community helps comment on slides you've made, and you can browse other slides by people globally to gain information on improvement.

Prezi especially makes slide show presentations more interesting, and grips people in terrific enthusiasm. Information is easier to process and its popularity is far more greater.

Camera based -

Still frames - direct from the final OTS

JackHammer (In chronological order).

Images of objects used to help filming.

  • I have learnt how my research methods must enhance to greater expansion of those sites which i look at, and how preperation of browsing other work leads to an immense product. Sites used are as follows:

My exhibition of the OTS can be seen on both the blogger account & vimeo account.

Exhibiting products online is a great use of viral marketing, as it displays your product available to millions/billions of people worldwide. It depends on the site's popularity and the amount of people you know to correctly gain interest into your product.

Looking back at the preliminary task, what is there that the film crew feels that they have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

The technical difficulties were mainly uploading the OTS and the filming. The OTS had a critical error that was it appeared too much as a trailer, due to the cross cuts of multiple scenes, we added text within the ending to ensure the positive appearance of an OTS, however, its length for uploading was extremely slow. Also the filming was endured with low production facilities and the lighting was slightly dim, but this was overcome with the black & white effect, which acts as a technical trick for natural lighting.

Photographs from filming are located above:

Strengths & Weaknesses throughout the production.

50% of people answered that they like the stories of Film Noir, but closely behind, 33.3% answered that they like nothing about Film Noir.

66.7% answered that they enjoy watching Film Noir.

83.3% of people prefer Neo Noir, this obviously being the final choice.

66.7% of people own or have seen Film Noir, making this more popular, and giving a set standard for the film crew.

  • Vimeo
  • Slideshare
  • Prezi
  • Surveymonkey
  • Blogger

Tripod to help steady shots and perfect the quality of filming.

Script to roughly guide te narative structure in greater detail, tougt not intended to be entirely followed.

  • Editing -
  • Blogging -


Warp is a small British, independent, film making company that promotes many synergic deals in their productions, other companies include; FilmFour, Studiocanal, etc...

  • Filming -
  • Slideshare -
  • Prezi -
  • Uploading -


Luke Anderson



  • Planning production meetings to continue work
  • Uploading (suffering from technical difficulties).
  • Editing
  • Continuously blogging
  • Presentations
  • Familiarising with new technologies
  • Addressing the audience's desires
  • Familiar with filming continuity:

Final OTS:

<iframe src=";byline=0&amp;portrait=0" width="400" height="300" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="">Untitled</a> from <a href="">Ashley Canham</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>

My character representations

Other character representations

Clean shaven


hood down



with an expression

of nothing

to hide.

Within the OTS of the Neo - Noir, the film crew intended to establish a new appearance for the criminals known as the Anti-Hero and the Villain, by modernising the representation of large, dark coats, and sharp hats, into hoods and lower - middle class clothing. As of which being affordable and common in today's society.

The grey zipped hoodie with a black long sleeved shirt. Dark/Dull colours, common to the colours of suits.

Fingerless gloves, and a grey zipped hoodie. The gloves are to show how protection is now worn against stains to the skin, such as; blood.


trainers and

rough blue



worn by



adults of

the 21st


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