How are they treated by the majority Pashtun Culture of Afghanistan?
- Pashtuns saw them as infidels, animals.
- Burned their houses
- Sold their women
- Drove them from their land
- When the Talibans came to power, they didn't want any non - Pashtuns to be at power so they killed many Hazaras.
Why were they treated this way?
Found from: The outsiders
- They didn't look the way Afgans should look
- Tried to rise against the Pashtuns
Found from: The outsiders
Work - Cited
Hosseini, Khaled. The Kite Runner. Riverhead Books; New York. 2003. Print.
What do Hazaras Believe?
Zabriskie, Phil. "The Outsiders." National Geographic. National Geographic Magazine. Febuary 2008.
- Supernatural creatures
- Angels
- Genies
- Spirits
- exorcism and magic protected people from the evil eye
- if a funeral isnt carried out properly, the ghost of the dead will return to torment the living
found from: Culture of Afganistan
Who are the hazaras?
- Persian speaking people
- Mainly live in Central Afghanistan and Pakistan
- Shia Muslims
- desendants of the Kushans