California School Garden Training Program
Training 1,500+ Educators, Volunteers, and
School Garden Support Professionals
2012 - 2014
workshop locations and dates
12 Train the Trainer Workshops
Conducted by Project Leads
UC Davis Children's
Garden Program
180 Regional Trainers
Trained in Workshop Models
21 Workshops
given by Project Leads for
420 participants
93 Workshops Conducted across the state
from 2012-2014
1500 trained
Mini Grants fund Regional Trainers to conduct 60 workshops across the state for
900 participants
- 6 Creating and Sustaining Your
School Garden (CSYSG) Train the Trainer Workshops
- 30 Mini Grants ($550) will be offered to
replicate CSYSG Workshops
- 9 workshops given by Project Leads
- 6 Garden-Enhanced Nutrition Education (GENE)
Train the Trainer Workshops
- 30 Mini Grants ($550) will be offered to
replicate GENE Workshops
- 12 workshops given by Project Leads