NETS-S Presentation Assignment
Technology (ICT) Literature Students
Grades PK-2 (Ages 4-8)
Made by: Angela Jauregui
1. Illustrate and communicate original ideas and stories using digital tools and media-rich resources. (1,2)
- Students will watch a movie about the parts of the body.
- Students will learn about body parts and systems of the human body. Each day,
- students will be identifying and explaining a body part. Students will use tracings of their own body parts to formulate a body model that will be displayed for others to see. Students will use Microsoft Word to write a paragraph on what they learned about the human body.
4. In a collaborative work group, use a variety of technologies to produce a digital presentation or product in a curriculum area. (1,2,6)
Thank you Thomas Edison!!
6. Use simulations and graphical organizers to explore and depict patterns of growth such as the life cycles of plants and animals. (1,3,4)
- Students willl be placed into small groups
- Children are to pick a famous scientific inventor from a list provided to them
- They will be using either Prezi, or Powerpoint to create a presentation to share with the class on their inventor.
- Students will watch the process of metomorphasis using the life cycle of the butterfly
- Students will document the process using cameras and later use the photographs to make a graphical timeline of the cyle of the butterfly
Christopher Columbus!!
- Students will be given a list of historic events to choose from.
- Each student will conduct research using digital resources, that will be discussed in class
- Each student will write and illustrate their event in book form.
5. Find and evaluate information related to a current or historical person or event using digital resources. (3)