
Prezi AI.

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Minden eddiginél gyorsabban finomíthatja, fejlesztheti és szabhatja testre tartalmait, találhat releváns képeket, illetve szerkesztheti vizuális elemeit.

Tartalom betöltése...

Start a company

in Estonia

via internet!

Results 2015

Results in 2015

Result: Company registrations ca 90% via self service

20 Years of Business Registry

1. Availability- information online

2. Good data quality enables data visualization.

Problems in company registration?

Government startup 2015

Start-ups need help!

Annual reporting

XBRL annual reporting (>95%) online

Notice instead of licence- apply via online portal.

Renew the licence once a year with annual report.


Red tape, Bureucracy?

Time consuming process?

Lack of information?

High cost?

Missing policy?



If not working

"fail fast"

Policy that changed the business registration

Process optimization for online portal


1. Policy to streamline company establishment. Expedited procedure via online portal without a notary.

2. Policy to publish company information via internet (Company information, board members, etc).

3. Policy to submit annual reports via online portal (XBRL)- submit information to government only once.

4. Policy to consolidate licensing regulation and process (One Stop Shop).

5. Government program to support start-ups with accounting system.


Company Registration Portal

Behind the innovation

Company registration process in self service

1. Internet availability

2. Electronic identity (password vs PKI)

3. Legislation (Electronic Signature Act)

4. Political will (reforms using IT)

5. Data exchange policy Gov2Gov

Result : Green light to company registration process optimization.

Personal code

Average process time 2h

Do business

Manage company

Start company

5. E-residency for everyone!

From the company to the register,

and from the register to the company

Become an e-resident!

Ingmar Vali

Centre of Registers and Information Systems


World Record

18 minutes!


Country in Europe.

• Estonia has a population of just 1.3 million but is larger than Denmark or Holland.

• The Estonian language.

• In winter it gets very cold and we get plenty of beautiful snow. No, there are no polar bears in Estonia.

• Estonia is almost 50% forest.

• Tallinn is our medieval capital and by far the biggest city, with a population of around 400,000.

• Estonia has over 1,500 islands.

• Public WiFi is FREE

• Estonia is an e-country – most people use e-banking, pay parking with a mobile phone and pay taxes,

or even vote, online.

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