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Free Powerpoint Baby Shower Invitation Templates

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baby shower

Transcript: $15.00 $7.95 supplies $11.00 $22.99 $15.00 baby shower $13.00 $5.00 $34.99 total:$148.28 $15.00 0-3 month toys Equipment $4.39 reaction $17.00 $7.99 $14.99 $34.99 $24.95 $17.00 $29.99 $13.99 9-12 clothes $5.00 $5.00 $5.99 $24.99 $7.00 $39.99 $7.95 $24.99 $14.98 $49.99 $10.00 $11.99 convertible carseat-$149.99 swing indoor-$39.99 outdoor-$34.99 bouncy seat-$34.99 playpen-$55.98 bathseat-$17.99 highchair-$34.99 changing pad-$9.99 total:$378.91 maternity clothes $11.99 $23.00 total:$37.46 nursery $15.00 $34.98 $22.00 $5.00 $16.99 $5.00 i learned that babies are expensive and only have them when you have money and are absolutely ready to have one. $10.19 $19.99 $29.96 total:$122.71 TOTAL:$5508.12 $19.99 $13.00 $5.00 TOTAL:34.99 $39.99 $29.99 total:$61.51 maternity clothes $34.99 cupcakes small sandwichs french fries $24.99 total:$220.48 3-6 toys $17.95 $49.98 $17.95 1st year $24.88 $4.99 $22.99 $59.99 $8.97 $14.98 $9.99 $7.50 $34.95 $23.00 9-12 toys $24.95 crib-$199.00 mattress-$34.99 dresser-$149.99 changing tables-$59.99 rocking chair-$39.99 small table-$39.99 lamp-$19.99 floor rug-$6.99 window treatment-$12.99 bedding-$19.99 total:$583.91 $8.99 presents $9.97 $12.95 $8.99 $10.00 $13.00 total:$101.99 $34.99 $26.00 $2.65 toilet paper diaper eating baby food blind folded who can change a diaper faster total:$174.94 $38.50 diaper genie- $19.97 refills-$18.49 diapers-$20.97 wipes-$21.98 clothes-$44.98 bottles-$17.99 formula-24.98 total:$191.33 $10.49 total:$156.11 maternity clothes $8.95 $11.99 $13.00 $43.48 $10.64 $22.99 $28.49 $24.99 $3.56 toys 6-9 $12.74 $34.99 diapers-$873.62 formula-$1194.96 hooded towels-$24.00 wash cloths-$8.50 rubber spoons-$4.97 divided plates-$29.97 sippy cups-$7.48 infant pain reliever-$5.88 gas drops-$8.62 dehydration liquid-$8.22 wipes-$5.97 baby cereal-$3.38 baby food-$134.70 pacifer-$6.02 diaper bag-$64.88 blankets-$25.88 bath soap-$8.08 lotion-$8.98 shampoo-$3.98 toothbrush and toothpaste-$4.97 bibs-$29.86 bottles-$17.99 burp cloths-$9.98 nail clippers-$11.36 sunscreen-$9.24 bottle brush-$8.16 hair brush-$5.96 thermometer-$28.72 diaper rash cream-$2.47 total:$2692.95 games food Nursery total:$602.55 clothes 9-12 $15.00 9-12 clothes $8.99 $17.95 $19.99 0-3 months clothes $69.99

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