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Jeopardy Template

Transcript: The Game of Thrones t.v. show was inspired by this book What is a password? The President of The United States of America What does team DRAG stand for? Stone, Chamber, Prisoner, Goblet, Phoenix, Prince, Hallows Movement/idealogies that promote equality for women "It is no more radical for a girl to fall in love with mathematics or basketball than to fall in love with another girl" This includes things such as sending hurtful text messages or emails, or setting up a hate group on a social networking site. "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." What is cyber bullying? In 2008, California's Proposition __ posed to eliminate gay marriage, but was eventually deemed unconstitutional An expression of objection against an organization promoting an idea or law. At the 2014 Oscars, John Travolta introduced Idina Menzel as ____, creating a huge viral faux pas Did somebody call the geek squad? "I have borne thirteen children, and seen most all sold off to slavery, and when I cried out with my mother's grief, none but Jesus heard me! And ain't I a woman?" What is "netiquette". Support for gay marriage decreases roughly after this age TBTN The labelization as a man or woman at birth AAUW In the Daily News Type of sexuality within the same sex HRC OMG!!!.. Utah was the __th state to legalize gay marriage “I am very disappointed an activist federal judge is attempting to override the will of the people of Utah. I am working with my legal council and the acting Attorney General to determine the best course to defend traditional marriage within the borders of Utah.” 2015's Batman Of U.S. Citizens, approximately ___ of 6 citizens support gay marriage __ of 3 justices refused to stay Shelby's decision in the 10th circuit's hearing of parent's roles in child-rearing Got Game? Highest Grossing Animated Film in History "You'll be coming home with me tonight And we'll be burning up like neon lights" The online equivilant of having good manners, or being polite - in other words, using proper "etiquette". Openly gay talk show host; 2014 Oscars host "It's a victory for all transgender people to know that we have a voice, that we have recourse, and that when it comes to workplace protections we deserve to make a living" Manners Much? "I got ______, ain't nobody got time fo' dat" M.Y.O.B. EEOC A first line of online defence against intruders and imposters - usually consisting of at least 8 characters.

Jeopardy Template

Transcript: 25 degrees What is the Latin name for lead. Both chemical and physical. Answer to 3-5 Water molecules form hollow crystals when they freeze. What do you call a chemical reaction that produces heat? A precipitate Write a four line poem that rhymes about the states of matter. Yes because the density is less than 1 g/ml Name 10 elements. Will a object that be that weighs 50 grams be more likely, less likely or just as likely to float as an object that weighs 100 grams. Why does ice have a greater volume than the same mass of water. -273 degrees What is it called when you mix two liquids and a solid forms. What is the lowest temperature possible in the universe (approximate answers are acceptable). Temperature 1993? What state would water be found in at 112 degrees Fahrenheit. Answer to 1-5 Answers may vary Measuring Matter What year did this school open? Answers may vary What do you call the curve shape that the water surface makes in a graduated cylinder. Silver 13 Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, calcium, potassium, sulfur, sodium. Physical Answers may vary What would be a reasonable method for measuring the density of an elephant. When you light a candle, what type of change occurs? Properties of Matter Name one new chemical that is formed when you combine acetic acid and sodium bicarbonate. Carbon dioxide Its already taken by sulfur so they use Na which comes from the latin name natrium. Define the word property using exactly 10 words. Name three elements that are found in high levels in the human body. Lily the cat and Trooper the dog What is the name of Mr. Newbold's pets. Equally as likely What high school did Mr. Newbold go to. Answers may vary 24 boys and 23 girls If you put a clear liquid on a hotplate and bubbles form is a physical or chemical change occurring. Fleetwood Park Name four quantitative properties that you could describe for a person. States of Matter Liquid What state would Mercury be in at 10 degrees Celsius. Answers may vary What temperature is most reasonable for a classroom. 5 degrees C, 25 degrees C or 50 degrees C. How many boys are there in grade seven at this school and how many girls are there? List 10 qualitative properties of this classroom. Why doesn't sodium have S as a symbol on the periodic table3 of elements. Know Your School Which element has the symbol Ag. Temperature, height, width, mass, density, etc. The meniscus Elements Which is not a qualitative property: Colour, Texture, Taste or Temperature. How many classes are there at Janice Churchill? The a sample of the imaginary substance unobtainium has a mass of 100 grams and a volume of 200 cubic centimeters. Will it float? Liquid Changes in Matter Answer to 2-5 At approximately what temperature does table salt boil?

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