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PINTEREST Presentation

Transcript: 2. GUIDED SEARCHES 3. SEARCH PHOTO OPTIMIZATION 5. ANALYTICS SERVE? ING? Women far out-pin men Headquarters: San Francisco Ben Silbermann, Evan Sharpe and Paul Sciarra 1. GROWING BRANDS DEFINITIONS Pinterest users defined as "active doers and early adopters"; people who actively seek our products and are willing to try various new brands 6. YOUR PROFILE Male Pinterest users: 14% more likely to be single, living alone Cars PINS FOOD & DRINK 85% of users would rather follow their favourite brand than their favourite celebrity Only 14% of active monthly users on Pinterest are male 2. PINS Male Pinterest users: 16% more likely to be a homeowner 1. GROWING BRANDS Ahalogy 2014 Pinterest Media Consumption Study Operates in 26 languages ? FUN FACTS ABOUT CASE STUDIES WHAT DO WOMEN FIND SOME ? Top categories: TUTORIAL Pinterest's first foray into paid advertising Identical to normal pins except with "Promoted Pin" disclaimer Goal: Foster brand love and affection Status: Currently in beta testing phase available only to select US based big brands (ABC Family, Target, Old Navy) Pins are visual bookmarks for good stuff you find anywhere around the web or right on Pinterest Sharing a pin from someone else's board with your own followers, while re-categorizing on your own board. A set of pins usually organized by themes - i.e. travel, recipes, fashion, etc. RJMetrics: Study of 50,000 random pinners/pins Upload your own images sometimes Make sure image file names and descriptions contain your target key phrase Shorter captions Think social, not advertising Create a variety of boards that are keyword rich Add the "Follow" and "Pin It" button to your websites Top browsed categories Men's Fashion 5. ANALYTICS WHAT DO MEN FIND 4. HOME FEED & FOLLOWING Women (19-39) make up for approximately 80% of pinners - Heavy female following - Access - Spam - "Street Cred" - News posts Think visual and engage with customers Get some Pinspiration (be creative!) Pin what's happening in your industry Pinterest is not just for pictures Bundle your social networks to drive traffic Collaborate and share a board Avoid blatant promotion PIN FEED 300+ employees A place for the good stuff. (requires a business account) Three types of analytics: Pinterest profile, audience, website 1. Pinterest profile: Daily metrics (impressions, repins, etc.) 2. Audience: Average monthly viewers; demographics and interests 3. Website: metrics show what people like the most from your website (impressions, repins, etc.) DIY & DECOR Company value: US$5 billion dollars 4. PROMOTED PINS More traffic than Twitter and Reddit Commonly repinned words 3. BOARDS Top categories: 2. GUIDED SEARCHES PR & What sets it apart from other social media is the way people use it "Plan for the future vs. exhuming or analyzing the past" - Robert J. More Moore: Pinterest is aspirational Active users pin products they want to own, recupes they want to make and projects they want to try RE-PIN Average user household: > $100,000 - - Personal branding ING? Launched April 2014, first on mobile then on web Offers Pinterest the potential to rival Google in terms of product search Utilizes key words and guides to help narrow the search and guide users in right direction Leaves room for serendipity WHAT IS PR friendly: brands reach key demographics, image-centric, search friendly 5. DISCOVERY KOTEX'S WOMEN'S INSPIRATION DAY 69 of the world's top 100 brands have a Pinterest account Alexa Rank: 23rd globally (as of September 2014) - Heavier ads - Male demographic - Personalization - Brand engagement WHO USES “It started with a Pin” “Pinterest is a tool for discovering things you love, and doing those things in real life. A social media platform that allows the sharing, collection and storage of visuals for its users A "creative switchboard" URBAN DECAY Coachella Meets Cosmetics Contest WHAT WE WILL COVER: Commonly pinned words Average female Pinterest user posts approximately 158 pins PR & PINTEREST OVERVIEW WHAT NEED DOES 1. ACCOUNT CREATION The main page displaying the chronological activity from the Pinterest boards that a user follows WOMEN'S FASHION Pinterest drives more traffic to websites and blogs than Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and YouTube Founded: March 2010 - Flexible user interface - Photo-generated content - “Boards” - Few ads - Private posting Global audience 4. PROMOTED PINS BOARDS Technology 3. IMAGE OPTIMIZATION Most users defined as "millennial moms" CASE STUDIES BACKGROUNDER

Pinterest Presentation

Transcript: Pinterest Presentation by Kristen Gripp LI819XI Pinterest for Information Professionals About Pinterest and Helpful Terms Pinterest is an online pinboard for people to gather and save images that interest them on many topics. Pin = Image Board = Place to put and save Pins Repinning = Pinning an item to your board that someone else pinned first Organize Organized on an Online Pinboard Create By Using ... Pictures & Text Hints For a Great Board 1. Stick to ONE theme per board 2. Pick a Focus Point (Image or Text) 3. Use eye-catching images (colors, contrast, size) 4. Make it easy to read 5. Remember Less is More Complete by Adding A Caption To Explain What Your Board Is Keep it Short & Specific to get some one's attention For Example "Domino Books Event" OR "Paperback books covered in paper to resemble dominoes and made into designs to collapse them for a teen event" See?? Repeat if you want Done?? Then ... Share Your Board Now people can ... Browse it for interesting pins Follow you so they get live updates Mention @you in descriptions and comments Contribute to your board if you allow it With your pins they can ... Like it- give their approval Repin - use it on their own board (credit is given to the original pinner and the source-link is always maintained) Comment - tell you what they liked or thought about it How This Benefits You You Can ... Discover new ideas for the library by browsing and following other boards Encourage staff teamwork by having them collaborate on a board Network with other information professionals by commenting on pins and boards, and repinning pins Example #1 Example #2 Example #3 Apply Them FOR Staff Book Clubs Computer Classes Storytimes Programming Special Events Your ... Have Staff create a board to work on creating an adult library event. They can create a board for an event about gardening with images of gardens, tools, and decoration ideas for a garden. They can use some of those images to help them create an interesting presentation for adults about how to create a unique garden. External Ideas Thoughts suggestions Inspirations Internal School Visits Community Groups Local Businesses Homebound Users Non Library Users Training Fostering Creativity Starting New Programs Communication Teamwork You find a children's craft picture you like and want to do, but you are not sure how to start. Comment on the person's pin and ask them how they did it. From there you can start a conversation and continue to exchange ideas as you both find things you like. Follow topics such as teen programs, teen favorite books, or topics that teens are pinning on to get ideas for activities they may like. You may find out about a book or movie teens are talking about. Then you can create a program centered around that book or movie to get teens to come, but also present library resources that can be related to that theme.

Pinterest Presentation

Transcript: You can learn about pretty much anything. It gives good information about whatever topics you need. You can also pin things to learn more about them. When you search something a bunch of related topics will come up also. Model Netizen This cool technology allows your wrist to act like your phone. the bottom of your shoes light up. The snipping tool is pretty cool because you can select whatever you would like out of an image, cut it out, screen shot it and paste it where ever you want. Con artist try to get your money by tricking you by making you think somethings true. Lastly viruses can happen and it corrupts your system and destroys data. Never offline Khan Academy is very helpful for school . It allows you to search about any topic and watch videos to learn more information about your topic. I like this because it made learning fun and easy. It also asks you if the site helped you with your search. Khan Academy This prevent you looking old and wrinkly. Aging machine This cool device allows you to plug your iPhone into it to amplify the sound. This awesome devise allows you to fave your phone on you 24-7. phone bracelet Pinterest Presentation Pinterest A Model Netizen is a person that uses the internet as a way to contribute to its use and growth.Your online presence can affect you dramatically because what ever you post or say will always be on there and it wont go away. It can affect your college opportunities down the road. 5 dangers online would be pedophiles, con-artists, cyber bullying, viruses and identity theft. Gramophone Tinkercad Light up shoes Identity theft happens on the internet, where a person steels someones credit card information. online pedophiles are on ther internet a lot to, they try to pretend their your age, then try to meet up with you. this website can teach you how to do pretty much anything you want. All you have to do is search what you want to learn and a huge article will come telling you all the information you need. they have different types of topics that relate to your search. Snipping tool cyberbullying is someone bullying another person online

Pinterest Presentation

Transcript: What is Pinterest? How can Pinterest enhance the customer experience? How can hotels use Pinterest? Closing remarks How Pinterest works Improve Customer Experience with Social Media's Newest Player Agenda Community Ways to use Pinterest Create a Pinterest Individual experiences Creativity showcase Role of contests/promotions Rewards 3rd most popular social media site Virtual pin board Planning tool Way to connect with communities Referral content generation Communicate Monitor trends and styles Interaction Community of followers Brand Story Mission Statement How can hotels use Pinterest? Cater the Experience Closing Remarks Lifestyles Trends Self expression Conversations Primary users: Females ages 18-34 11.7 million unique monthly visitors Fastest site in history to reach 10 million mark Companies, brands, businesses, and industries New level of interaction Express personal creativity Source: Plan a wedding Record inspirations Co-creation of brand's story Create a Community What is Pinterest? Follow brands Who uses Pinterest? Delight guests Showcase an experience How can Pinterest improve customer experience? *source: Mollie Eisler April 24, 2012 Connect Connect with communities Increase Referrals Share favorite recipes Monitor Competition Before, during, and after guest's stay Linkage to other sites Conversation facilitation Service recovery Make boards and pins Provide Customization Enhance Communication Customer Experience Implications on customer experience? "Our goal is to connect everyone in the world through the 'things' they find interesting. We think that a favorite book, toy, or recipe can reveal a common link between two people. With millions of new pins added every week, Pinterest is connecting people all over the world based on shared tastes and interests" Craft a Story

Pinterest Presentation

Transcript: Pinterest Works Cited,the%20world%20in%20April%202023. Lyle Santos November 3, 2023 Introduction to Social Media My social media platform topic is Pinterest. Trends Popular Topics How Users Use Beauty Home Decor INTRO History DIY Craft Holiday Project Introduction 4 3 Food Quote Some of the current popular topics on Pinterest are listed here. New Editions in 2023 Pinterest is a website where many users are able to pin information to create boards depending on what it is that interests them. 1 Glossary Trends Humor Drink Pinterest was founded by Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra, and Evan Sharp. The development started in 2009 and in March 2010 a prototype was made available to a small group of colleagues and family members. It continued as a site for invited users only, but on August 10th 2012, Pinterest was made available to the public. Depending on the trends in the world, Pinterest is everchanging with common trends by the year. Pinterest is used by both professional business as well as individual users. Many professional businesses advertise their businesses by creating content with links to their sites. In 2023, Pinterest created the option of uploading videos instead of just images. Pinterest is different than many other social media brands. The wording is below. 5 2020 2017 Wedding Fashion Modern Homes Food and Drinks Travel Pin- A post on pinterest Profile- Personal page where all your pins and boards are stored Board- A group of "pins", organized by the author 2018 2 Pinterest also introduced "takes", which allow users to interact with others posts Home Decor Spa-Like Bathrooms How to Create an Account 2019 Pinterest is one of the world's top social platforms, but just how many people use Pinterest today? Data published in the company's most recent investor earnings report shows that Pinterest had a total of 463 million monthly active users around the world in April 2023. (Date Reportal) Beauty and Fashion 1. Go to Pinterest. 2. Enter your Email, Create a password, and enter your Age. 3. Click Continue. 4. Click Next. 5. Select your language and country/region from the dropdown menus. 6. Select 5 or more topics. 7. Click Done. Algorithm How to use Pinterest for Business PR 1 Different pin formats 2 Track metrics 3 Plan out boards carefully Brand Promotion Brand's use Pinterest to attract attention (clicks) to their post. This results in more views to their product on their websites. The Pinterest algorithm is much like a search engine, Pinterest determines pin ranking on fundamental SEO methods like keywords. However, the algorithm also takes a more traditional social media approach which considers behavior—like pins you've saved in the past, engagement, and searches—to show the most relevant content. 4 Try different advertisement strategies High quality posts 5

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