Audio Transcript Auto-generated
- 00:03 - 00:03
Hello, everyone.
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I'm so excited to share with you today, Um, a
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GSK customer experience innovation, using data as a strategy where
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we simplified the vaccine ordering process with customer specific predictions
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and messaging to great success.
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And so here we are to share it with you.
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So first of all, the business problem, um, vaccination rates
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were significantly impacted by the covid 19 pandemic.
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Patient visits to healthcare providers dropped and vaccination rates decreased
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precipitously. Uh, the need for vaccinations, however, did not decrease.
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And so we were faced with a situation to determine
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how to mitigate the increased burden on HCPs during the
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pandemic. Um, and how to help them manage the need.
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They have to continue to assure good vaccination rates and
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care for their patients with less time for those administrative
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functions. So our goals and approach, how could GSK innovate
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to reduce the burden on healthcare providers to continue to
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help protect patient health and to minimize waste and unnecessary
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cost to healthcare providers through ordering potentially more vaccine than
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was necessary in order to manage their patient population?
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Our approach was clear.
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We had a need for a system to be personalized
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to meet each customer's situation.
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And we did this through one predicting the amount of
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vaccine that each healthcare provider would need to cover their
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patient panel and to to make that message relevant, to
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make sure that it was easy for the health care
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providers to get what they need and specifically what they
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need. Elevation.
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It was personal, it was proactive and it was predictive.
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So the goal here was to use the data that
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we had and make use of that targeted data.
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We did so to better inform customer communications and to
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make them more relevant, useful.
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We identified the right historical population and vaccine product data
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to allow us to personalize the experience and to meet
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our customer needs.
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The implementation was oops, hang on the implementation.
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So our cross functional team work together to design and
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execute not only the data model that informed our action,
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but a multi channel campaign to engage with our customers
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to help them understand and easily order the recommended vaccine
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volume to help manage their patients.
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So we used email communications initially to help drive that
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customer enrollment to the program.
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Following that, customers receive personalized order suggestions that go directly
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to their mobile.
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And in just one step, customers can now agree and
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move forward with a recommended order to get the vaccine
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that they and their patients need.
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Yeah. Yeah.
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And this had results.
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Positive results.
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Uh, the predicted insights are really helpful.
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We can see, uh, between after the update to the
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engagement program versus our past experience, we reached more customers
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with much greater engagement over 300% increase in engagement through
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the program.
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And this translates to patients getting vaccines and managing it
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through the difficult era of the covid 19 pandemic.
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We're thrilled to demonstrate what can happen when the approach
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to campaigns is aligned to what the customer needs.
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By simplifying their experience by making the communications relevant and
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by speaking to them according to their individual needs, we've
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been able to protect patient populations with the vaccines that
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their health requires.
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We've been able to simplify the approach for health care
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providers to allow them to focus their energies elsewhere.
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And we've been able to show beneficial impact for GSK
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as an organization.
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Thank you