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Certificate Of Authenticity Template Powerpoint

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Transcript: Misconceptions of Authenticity Make Learning REEL for you students. Looking through the lenses of children! Summary "For students, authenticity has to do with that which is real to the student." Gamestar Mechanic-This is a program for 4th-9th grade students where students design their own games. Technology Example 1 Authenticity Students in the digital-age enjoy taking pictures and creating photo collages. Because learning occurs anytime, anywhere, Students in my fourth grade math class were able to use camera, photo, and pic collage to create meaning for themselves when learning geometry concepts. "To keep the authentic learning movement alive, we must dispel some myths that may discourage teachers from exploring the potential of this approach." John Cronin Here are few misconceptions of Authenticity: The point of authentic learning is to let students encounter and master situations that resemble real life. Another misconception is that tasks that are not original, creative, and fun are not authentic Finally, there is a misconception that all authentic tasks are elaborate and complex, never simple and straightforward. iFun ecards -Students creating meaning for themselves and teaching their peers first person. Please Quote Me... by Phil Schlecty Technology Example 3 "Authenticity has to do with realness..." Authenticity is when teachers understand the world as the students see it. Technology Example 2 Apps are available on devices such as iPhone and iPads.


Transcript: Confront the ugly rather than hiding it What should you consider when looking for authenticity within your brand? 100 Days of Real Food Simple Ways to Move Towards Authenticity Building a Brand through Truth Kylie Allport and Jessica Avery Team Depot is an internationally run program at all Home Depot stores Through charity (house builds, supplies sent to disaster ridden areas, and local campaigns) Home Depot has found a way to help build staff morale, team build as well as give back in a way that fits the brand. Lego was offering too many options Streamlined pieces, ordering, logistics, and customer service au·then·tic·i·ty (noun) the quality of being authentic; genuineness. Outcomes Jessica Avery Kylie Allport Questions? Have your communications and actions work together Simple Ways to Move towards Authenticity Why Authenticity Matters "Consumers are looking for the real deal. They are looking for substance, not hype, honesty rather than hypocrisy. The days of the corporate comb-over are numbered." Scott Bedbury: CEO of Brandstream, and former marketing executive at Nike and Starbucks. Finding Your Voice An Authentic Voice @kylieallport @avery_jessica More than being authentic your voice should be unique What are you an expert in? What is it that makes you different from anyone else? Consumers have some very well developed BS meters Communities and Content are more valuable than sales "speak" Instant Credibility: More trusted This is what makes you unique over everyone else: You have your truth On November 4, 2013 Kraft Foods announced they will be removing Yellow No. 5 dye from all character shaped Mac and Cheese The brand needs to walk a fine line, and can't be seen as "selling out". Converse launched "Rubber Tracks": their own recording studio By having artists, musicians and other individuals on board they maintain their authenticity Social Media following of 952,623 likes · 70,131 talking (as of November 29, 2013) on Facebook Cookbook National TV appearances Petitioned to remove artificial food dyes from US manufacturers with another whole food blogger Simple Ways to Move Towards Authenticity Find your roots again A mom decided it was time to focus on healthy, local food. Blogged about her 100 day journey Built a brand and partnerships with other brands Created a forum around supporting other people looking to make a change in their eating habits Simple Ways to Move Towards Authenticity "The official shoe of the creative counter-culture" Authenticity Matters Stay true to your company, stay true to your consumers Authenticity @avery_jessica @kylieallport A true connection instead of a megaphone People that are willing to recommend you Helps your Bottom Line A sense of place: Where are you, where did you come from? A strong point of view: What do you stand for? How do you think? A larger purpose: What drives you to succeed? Integrity: Do your actions match your communications? Converse Stand for something larger than your product So, what is in it for you?


Transcript: Authenticity Theatre that seeks to condense performance to only what is necessary in order to acheive truth Theatre based on what takes place between the spectator and the actor Draws on anthropology, psychology, psychoanalysis, and philosophy. Three Major Productions I Am America, 2011 Dialectical response to Stanislavski Influenced by Stanislavski's physical actions, Meyerhold's mechanical training, Vantehghav's synthesis, the Peking Opera and Noh Theatre Then-current theatre was very concerned with methods, developing a "bag of tricks" Developed in post-World War II, Communist Poland August 11, 1933 – January 14, 1999 Polish theatre director Innovator of experimental theatre Poor Theater and Theatre Laboratory "What is theatre? What is unique about it? What can it do that film and television can not?" Investigated "essence" of theatre. (Freud: "What is left of a Jew who is not religious, Zionist or even familiar with the language of the Torah, the Holy Book? Probably the essential" ) Restraining one's self to the necessary Theatre "in which what is dark in us slowly becomes transparent" following tradition = refusal to grow/explore Inner impulse and the outer reaction 5 Major Concepts What can theatre do that film cannot? The Constant Prince, 1965 Used to exhibit Grotowski's methods. "focuses on the martyr’s fate of the Portuguese Infante Don Fernando (1402–43) who having found himself imprisoned refused to agree to being freed in exchange for ceding the strategic port of Ceuta to the Moors" Ryszard Cieslak's performance "one of the most talented of the 20th century. " Had private rehearsals with Grotowski (obstetrician) as he made theatrical expiriments that became the performance. Removed theatrical tricks; replaced them with the actor. Joseph Kelera in a monologue about Cieslak, "He is in a state of grace. And all around him this 'cruel theatre' with its blasphemies and excesses is transformed into a theatre in a state of grace." Margaret Croyden in The New York Times, described the production as, "a black, brooding world of classical myth and contemporary degradation, depicted in an atmosphere of horror, executed with the delicacy of a poem." "The prince, beautifully played by a young actor, Ryszard Cieslak, seemed to me to be Christ enduring and forgiving his torturers. I have seldom seen an actor so completely in control of his voice and body. He issues groans with a volume that is almost symphonic, while the others dance to the rhythm of his pain. He twitches with every portion of his seminude body and has the grace of a fine dancer combined with the talent of a great tragic actor." Critic George Oppenheimer Openness: eliminating resistance to change Availability Authenticity Groundedness: concentrating on human actions, and confronting artifice. Participation: active audience Historical Background actors represented concentration camp prisoners built crematorium around the audience Silmulataneously acted out stories from the Bible and Greek mythology. The audience related as they lived 60 miles from Auschwitz Eugenio Barba Akropolis, 1962 Discussion Question #1 Black Narcissus, Iran Grotowski's collaborator (muse) central figure in the Polish Laboratory Theater Helped develop "The Plastiques" Based on the works of Allen Ginsberg Explored concepts of intimacy and vulnerability "When I see something living, something starts to live in me. When I do this job, it helps me to live." Worked to eliminate gap between action and reaction "My goal was to show the participants that action is literal. I can only do one action at a time. If the actor enters onstage, and crosses the stage to go greet someone, and he's thinking, 'Oh my God, my action was not good' – that's what the audience sees." Biagini One performer sings a line of an African-Caribbean slave song, and about 20 performers from around the world sing back a response. Jerzy Grotowski Sources Discussion Question #2 October 29, 1936 Italian author and theatre director based in Denmark Founder of the Odin Theatre and the International School of Theatre Anthropology, which still exist Grotowski's protege Ryszard Cieślak "I Am America" recently went up at Stanford, which was a project of Grotowski's vehicle Workcenter I'm interested in how use of technology relates to Authenticity Expanding theatre into the pubic sphere Continues to influence experimental theatre Legacy What limits a performer?


Transcript: Prof. Elizabeth G. Crudo, MBA Yes, it's her !! It's all about LEADING !! Like what ?? What will we discuss about? "Authenticity" Authentic Leadership Pseudo-transformational Leadership >> Leaders who talk about positive change but allow their self-interest to take precedence over followers’ needs. Business guru John Hersey advices today’s leader to be a “SAGE.” >> The letters in sage remind leaders to seek out other people, ask good questions that focus on the other person, get involved with other people, and enrich other people’s lives. A variety of non-traditional leadership roles Servant Leader - A leader who serves others’ needs while strengthening the organization. Bridge Leaders - A leader who bridges conflicting value system or different cultures. Shared Leadership - Rotating Leadership, in which people rotate through the leadership role based on which person has the most relevant skills at a particular time. Lateral Leadership - Style in which colleagues at the same hierarchical level are invited to collaborate and facilitate joint problem solving. A note on courage - To be a good leader, you need the courage to create a vision of greatness for your unit; identity and manage allies, adversaries, and fence sitters; and execute your vision, often against opposition. “When you connect with a purpose greater than yourself, you are fearless; you think big.” Nancy Barry Fulfilling your vision will require some of the following acts of courage: - Seeing things as they are and facing them head-on, making no excuses and harbouring no wishful illusions. - Saying that needs to be said to those who need to hear it. - Persisting despite resistance, criticism, abuse, and setbacks. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION !! :D :D :D >> A style in which the leader is true to himself while leading. PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT >> “To thine own self be true.” >> Strive for authenticity in the form of honesty, genuineness, reliability, integrity, and trustworthiness.

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Transcript: Nobody knows babies like we do! Quality products . Good Customer service. Every Kid really loves this store.. BABYLOU ABOUT US About Us BabyLou was established in 2004. It has been more than a decade since we started, where we have ensured to take care of every need and want of every child and infant under one roof, true to the caption “NO BODY KNOWS BABIES LIKE WE DO”. Our benchmark is to provide 100% customer service and satisfaction and continue to deliver the same with a wide range of toys, garments and Baby Products. Play and Create We Are Best 01 02 03 Block games Building Blocks help Kids to use their brain. PLAY TO LEARN in Crusing Adventures Our Discoveries Enjoy a sunny vacation aboard a luxury yacht with the LEGO® Creator 3in1 31083 Cruising Adventures set. This ship has all the comforts you need, including a well-equipped cabin and a toilet. Sail away to a sunny bay and take the cool water scooter to the beach. Build a sandcastle, enjoy a picnic, go surfing or check out the cute sea creatures before you head back to the yacht for a spot of fishing. Escape into the mountains Disney Little Princes in Also available for your Babies..... Also... Out of The World… Our reponsibility BABYLOU…. Our Responsibility All children have the right to fun, creative and engaging play experiences. Play is essential because when children play, they learn. As a provider of play experiences, we must ensure that our behaviour and actions are responsible towards all children and towards our stakeholders, society and the environment. We are committed to continue earning the trust our stakeholders place in us, and we are always inspired by children to be the best we can be. Innovate for children We aim to inspire children through our unique playful learning experiences and to play an active role in making a global difference on product safety while being dedicated promoters of responsibility towards children.

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