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Best Powerpoint Templates For Lectures

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Transcript: Members Tau Sigma Delta Amira Ajlouni NOMAS Jorge Rodriguez APX Ebehi Ijewere AIAS Alfredo Andia Nikolay Nedev Thomas Spiegelhalter Eric Goldemberg David Rifkind Nick Gelpi Modes of Practice focuses on alternative and evolving architectural practices that use innovative building processes and critically re-examine the relationships between design, construction and patronage. Forms FAB installation HTC workshop SET seminar Committee Theme Conversation March 6 meeting Survey Faculty Survey March 3 - 10 Spring Break Review Nominations March 10 - 17 Curate Series March 27 meeting in Review F11/SP12 Francisco Waltersdorfer Jill Stoner Jordan Trachtenberg over, under W. Elysse Newman Aziza Chaouni David Boira David Fletcher Eric Goldemberg Illich Mujica Keith Moskow FAB | HTC | SET F13/SP14 L.E.F.T. Niccolo Casas of faculty agendas F11/SP12 Faculty Nominations Survey More representative F13/SP14 FAB Student Organization Reps Spring 2014 Total annual budget $10,000 F12/SP13 Faculty, Adjunct and Student Reps F14/SP15 SET Themed Series F09/SP14 Talinn Grigor Frances Hsu Ernestina Osorio Peter Lang Colette Apelian Vladimir Kulic Itohan Osayimwese Fasil Giorghis Esra Akcan Adnan Morshed Sarah Teasley F14/SP15 Add SET Themed Series Prior to F11 No formal contribution F12/SP13 Chad Oppenheim Hai Zhang Monica Vazquez Pezo Von Ellrichshausen Raul Suarez Roberto Ferlito Roberto Rovira Charles Waldheim David Leatherbarrow Jose Oubrerie Madeline Gannon Nick Gelpi Rick Joy Roberto Segre Stoss LU F09/SP10* Camilo Rosales Donna Cohen/Claude Armstrong Gordon Nicholson Jefre Jefre Katherine Wheeler Peter Rich Philip Anzalone Preston Scott Cohen Hilary Sample Lubrano Ciavarra Ron Henderson Thomas Spiegelhalter F08/SP09* Elizabeth Mossop Eric Howeler/Meejin Yoon Fasil Giorghis Jeffrey Kipnis Marc Treib NC-Office Peter Zuspan Shashi Caan Tara Browne Digital Pulsation Ali Rahim David Ruy Eric Goldemberg Jeffrey Kipnis Marcelo Spina Perry Hall Ferda Kolatan Hernan Diaz Alonso Armando Montilla Alfredo Andia Chad Oppenheim Michael Dennis Phoebe Crisman Honorarium $1500 Visiting lecturer $500 Local More Inclusive F13/SP14 Timothy Hyde Tom Wiscombe Valdes/Von Der Osten Gulsen + Alper Aytac Jimenez Lai L.E.F.T. Patrik Schumacher Matias del Campo Victor Dover Eric Firley Ivan Bernal Eric Mumford Drecker/Noll Eric Goldemberg TNA Architects Susannah Drake Jörg Rügemer Tullio Inglese Architects 5 YEARS Funded by Graham Foundation + Cejas Faculty Fund F10/SP11* Alejandra Lillo Andrea Ponsi Mia Lehrer Michelangelo Sabatino Omar Kahn Reed Kroloff Thomas Phifer David Rubin Johnson Chou Michelle Addington NC Office Pat Bosch Robert Gonzalez Prior to F11 No formal contribution F13/SP14 Faculty Eric Goldemberg Winifred Newman Nikolay Nedev Nick Gelpi Alfredo Andia Thomas Spiegelhalter Adjunct ? Students AIAS Rep APX Rep NOMAS Rep Tau Sigma Delta Rep F12/SP13 Faculty Eric Goldemberg Winifred Newman Nikolay Nedev Nick Gelpi David Rifkind Alfredo Andia Adjunct Kristen Argalas Students Anica Lompre Adam Feinstein Juan Chiu F11/SP12 Faculty Nominations Survey Improve Representation 32 - David Rifkind* 19 - Eric Goldemberg 3 - Gray Read 2- Nick Gelpi 2 - Alfredo Andia LECTURE COMMITTEE F09/SP14 Eric Mumford Kathryn O'Rourke Patricio del Real Helen Gyger Luis Castañeda Aziza Chaouni Katherine Wheeler Fasil Giorghis Kai Gutschow June Komisar Kimberly Elman Zarecor Ken Tadashi Oshima More Growth Goals FAB installation HTC workshop SET seminar External Funding HTC *htc workshop externally funded Funded by General Lecture Budget FAB The Future Spring 2014

PowerPoint Game Templates

Transcript: Example of a Jeopardy Template By: Laken Feeser and Rachel Chapman When creating without a template... Example of a Deal or No Deal Template PowerPoint Game Templates There are free templates for games such as jeopardy, wheel of fortune, and cash cab that can be downloaded online. However, some templates may cost more money depending on the complexity of the game. Classroom Games that Make Test Review and Memorization Fun! (n.d.). Retrieved February 17, 2017, from Fisher, S. (n.d.). Customize a PowerPoint Game for Your Class with These Free Templates. Retrieved February 17, 2017, from 1. Users will begin with a lot of slides all with the same basic graphic design. 2. The, decide and create a series of questions that are to be asked during the game. 3. By hyper linking certain answers to different slides, the game jumps from slide to slide while playing the game. 4. This kind of setup is normally seen as a simple quiz show game. Example of a Wheel of Fortune Template Games can be made in order to make a fun and easy way to learn. Popular game templates include: Family Feud Millionaire Jeopardy and other quiz shows. Quick video on template "Millionaire" PowerPoint Games Some games are easier to make compared to others If users are unsure whether or not downloading certain templates is safe, you can actually make your own game by just simply using PowerPoint. add logo here References Example of a Family Feud Template PowerPoint Games are a great way to introduce new concepts and ideas You can create a fun, competitive atmosphere with the use of different templates You can change and rearrange information to correlate with the topic or idea being discussed. Great with students, workers, family, etc. For example: With games like Jeopardy and Family Feud, players can pick practically any answers. The person who is running the game will have to have all of the answers in order to determine if players are correct or not. However, with a game like Who Wants to be a Millionaire, the players only have a choice between answers, A, B, C, or D. Therefore, when the player decides their answer, the person running the game clicks it, and the game will tell them whether they are right or wrong.

Lectures for learning

Transcript: Wrong. Understanding (anything) requires a more up to date, interactive style of teaching, with demonstration, and small-group discussions. Interest will continually rise, sometimes peak, and occasionally drop down a bit only in anticipation of rising again. Vary your responses Paraphrase Re-frame Correct Challenge Converse Discussion What are the characteristics of a good lecture(r)? Captivate students from the beginning! The concept of having something at the beginning of each lecture to settle and engage the students, is a worthwhile one. "The hook", something that grabs you and gets you excited about the experience. The screaming guitar riff in the Beatles song 'revolution', the ghost scene in hamlet, the brutal murder in the Danish TV series 'the killing'. Practice run: Tell us about your work. 2 min. Pay attention to your beginning and end, body language and use of your voice. 5 minutes to prepare. How many lectures have you given? How did it go? What are your rules for lecture attendance? Good to know.... Provide clear instructions (!) Lectures are one of the tools in a teacher's arsenal of teaching methods, one we (at AUAS/HvA) frequently use. Leave them wanting more! Practice run 2: (if there is time) What makes a good presenter? Vary your format Think, share, pair Role playing Debate Voting How do you establish classroom etiquette and deal with disruption? Lectures in higher education have survived much opposition, this suggests that they are a much more effective teaching method than they are given credit for. Lectures have been proven to be well-suited to the transmission of conceptual and systematic knowledge. It's cheap too. Easy to use: An anecdote A question A statement A news article A quote lec·ture n. 1. An exposition of a given subject delivered before an audience or a class, as for the purpose of instruction. v. lec·tured, lec·tur·ing, lec·tures The computer isn't working, there is no way of fixing your slides. What do you do? A climax of some kind Into the experience with some level of interest. Expectations are influenced by packaging, advertisements, advice from friends etc. Body language Eyecontact Hands and arms Standing/sitting Posture Breathing Dress to impress? Practice Focus Feedback Students are present, but are obviously focussed on everything other than your lecture. What do you do? On average, people can concentrate on what you are saying for about 12 (!) minutes maximum Vary your Questions Diagnostic Challenge Prediction Role playing Closing time By ending your lectures well you have given students the chance to 'come full circle' by providing a: positive start, purposeful middle and reflective end, all of which are key ingredients when creating a dynamic lecture. After 50 minutes students are starting to disrupt your lecture. "How about a break?" one of them shouts...what do you do? What do you expect from your students? What can they expect from you? So let's have a short break 200 students are supposed to attend your lecture, only 20 show up. What do you do? As the lecturer, you are having a very different experience than your students! A good lecture(r): Has a well-defined structure or organization Identifies his/her audience Has been rehearsed Is interactive and varied Finds out where his/her topic fits into the curriculum/syllabus is well presented Lecturing for learning Introduction & warm-up About lecturing Practice run Jerke van der Woerdt ( & Bram van der Kruk (


Transcript: What might prevent you from getting the most out of lectures? C: Took notes - given slides before Aim = understanding, so take brief notes in your own words Does note taking really help? What note taking method should I use? B: Took notes - given slides after Ariana Henderson Academic Skills Non attendance at lectures was the single most common factor among students terminated from their studies - Elliot and Murray, 2010, Curtin University How can I improve my listening skills? What notes should I take? key theory anecdote one key example general background of key theory all examples mentioned Raver and Maydosz, 2010, Old Dominion University How can I prepare for the lecture? Should I type or hand write my notes? Does lecture attendance matter? Viewing lectures online (rather than attending in person) resulted impacted negatively on students' final grades - Williams, Birth and Hancock, 2012, The University of Western Australia How soon after the lecture should I review my notes? Getting the most out of lectures A: Took no notes - given slides after What do you hope to get out of lectures? Bligh, 1998 Walter Pauk, Cornell University How can Academic Skills help me? Diagram Source: Rhoden C, & Starkey, R (1998) Studying Science at University Allen & Unwin, St Leonards NSW, p. 51 Improved grades Feel part of the University Social activity More natural to engage in person Easier to remember Students who write out their notes on paper had a better understanding of the information and could apply and integrate the material better than those who typed their notes. Mueller and Oppenheimer, 2014, Princeton University Slide annotation 62% Check the subject overview for weekly topics and/or download, save and print the lecture slides Read about unfamiliar concepts and/or look up new vocabulary Prepare some questions Arrive early and sit where you can see and hear Extensive listening easy to understand interesting 10 mins every day Cornell Two column 75% Students who take and review notes can recall about 80% of the lecture - Ong, 2002 47% Regular revision Review briefly within 24 hours of the lecture plan time to do this regularly make links between lecture, readings, tutorials change the format and ask/answer questions apply new information to own experiences discuss the lecture concepts and ideas with a study group Exam preparation Review actively - using mind maps, flash cards etc. 69% 20mins 1 day 2 days 75 days Listen for cues!

Lectures For Future

Transcript: Let's Get Real What is it? What Can YOU Do? BE Different...MAKE a Difference In your project group, use the climate change concept to also increase the market share of your company. Tuesday, 18th of June The Ozone Layer Replace meat Over the continent of Antarctica 26 mio. km2 Since industrialization. Caused by humans through pollutants. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) destroys the ozone gas, converting it into other gases. Reusable cups Adding cost to plastic bags The Business Side 66.1% Images Sources Reduce Paper Towels 72.4% Climate Change Inspired by Swedish teen activist, Greta Thunberg Started on Friday March 15th 125 countries and regions More than 2000 events 960,000 paper towels = 30 trees How does it effect us? Friday, 14 June 2019 until Thursday, 20 June 2019 By Arzu Yaman 25371 Hia Akbik 24621 Ran Liao 15963 Sumeia Mahmoud 25970 Tugce Algül 23881 Veronika Hale 25396 E-Tickets 200 paper cups = 181 trees Resources BE Different..MAKE a Difference Caused by the global warming. It is the long-term changes in the global expected weather patterns. On Global Level What is it? On Campus Level sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiNkaKY9ZjiAhXLPFAKHcIWABkQjRx6BAgBEAU&

Now you can make any subject more engaging and memorable